RT Chairman of the EU Military Committee
Excellent exchange of views with #Egypt MOD Gen Mohamed Zaki, on international security challenges and potential 🇪🇬 🇪🇺 key cooperation opportunities, among them @EUNAVFOR #Atalanta and joint exercises.
Shukran aui!
#المتحدث_العسكرى https://n.respublicae.eu/EgyArmySpox/status/1670756228602134528 https://t.co/QjgxC5Ne8R
<div class="rsshub-quote">
المتحدث العسكري: #المتحدث_العسكرى : الفريق أول / محمد زكى القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع والإنتاج الحربى يلتقى رئيس اللجنة العسكرية للإتحاد الأوروبى ... https://t.co/iGWtl9tw1S
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ChairmanEUMC/status/1670786742859833344
#Egypt #ATALANTA #المتحدث_العسكرى
RT @EMADmde: El contraalmirante Ducellier, segundo Comandante del Cuartel General Operativo de la Fuerza Naval de la #UE, ha visitado al #DestacamentoOrion en #Yibuti ¡Somos los ojos de la Operación #Atalanta! @EjercitoAire @EUNAVFOR #MOPS
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1639001571924103173
#UE #DestacamentoOrion #Yibuti #ATALANTA #MOPS
📢Check out the video made by 🇫🇷@EtatMajorFR on the counter-narcotics operation carried out last week by #MissionJDA during its Direct Support to 🇪🇺#OperationAtalanta, which led to the seizure of more than a ton of drugs in one day!
@eu_eeas @MarineNationale @FFEAU_ALINDIEN
RT @EtatMajorFR: #NARCOPS | Retour en vidéo sur l’opération réalisée par le groupe amphibie #MissionJDA dans le cadre de l’opération 🇪🇺 @EUNAVFOR #ATALANTA qui a conduit à la saisie de plus d’u…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1633823845261123586
#MissionJDA #OperationAtalanta #NARCOPS #ATALANTA
We look forward to welcoming 🇪🇸#REINASOFIA as the next Flagship of 🇪🇺#OperationAtalanta. #maritimesecurity #gofurthertogether
RT @Armada_esp: Esta mañana la fragata #ReinaSofía largó amarras desde la Base Naval de #Rota rumbo al Océano Índico para integrarse, por cuarta ocasión, en la Operación #Atalanta @EUNAVFOR con una dotación de 204 personas.
¡Buena mar compañeros!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1623952310782107648
#REINASOFIA #OperationAtalanta #MaritimeSecurity #GoFurtherTogether #ReinaSofía #Rota #ATALANTA #SomosLaArmada
Concert review, ★★★★½, Fabian Ziegler, Akvilė Šileikaitė @ ZKO-Haus, Zurich, 2022-11-04 — Presentation of new album "Modern Gods", featuring Works for percussion and piano by John Psathas (*1966): Atalanta; Halo; RealBadNow; View from Olympus.
Blog post #634
#rolfsmblog #concertreview #concert #psathas #fabianziegler #sileikaite #akvile #akvilesileikaite #marimba #piano #percussion #cdrelease #halo #viewfromolympus #atalanta #realbadnow #cdrelease #mediareview
#rolfsmblog #concertreview #concert #psathas #fabianziegler #sileikaite #akvile #akvilesileikaite #marimba #piano #percussion #cdrelease #halo #viewfromolympus #ATALANTA #realbadnow #mediareview
RT @MarinhaPT: As nossas caras, as nossas histórias - Equipa na Operação Atalanta - Tenente Quintal Pereira - https://www.facebook.com/100064422920281/posts/pfbid02hEPRSXBGWqQGdJKXABRWiTXtdsT8DNiDwbBPCWxAXaenBqMHNJHoj7Nob5djmRuUl/?d=n
#marinhaportuguesa #militar #Madeira #missão #ATALANTA #ForçaNavalEuropeia #EUNAVFOR #Portugal
#marinhaportuguesa #militar #Madeira #missão #ATALANTA #ForçaNavalEuropeia #Eunavfor #Portugal
New collaboration between #AGENOR & #OpAtalanta, the 2⃣ European operations providing maritime security in the Western Indian Ocean, underlining the efforts of the 🇪🇺 and its partners to ensure the safe flow of navigation in the area @EUSec_Defence @eu_eeas
RT @EMASOH_AGENOR: From 28 April to 2 May, assets in support of #AGENOR, including two from #ATALANTA executed a combined effort to fulfill @EMASOH’s objective: Build and maintain …