My personal opinion is that #Russia #Belarus should be banned from all #sports events, including the #Olympic Games 2024.
#Putin #Kremlin should be punished for the #genocide they commit in #Ukraine period.
The #hypocrite stance of organisations like #IOC #ATP #FIDE is in my eyes cowardice or is money involved?
#tennis #chess #boxing #athletics #swimming #football #socker #volleybal #badminton #hockey #skiing #mma #bellator #ufc #martialarts
#Zelensky #Bakhmut #Europe #BBC #Guardian #DW #Spiegel #France24 #Bild
#russia #belarus #sports #Olympic #putin #kremlin #genocide #Ukraine #hypocrite #IOC #ATP #fide #tennis #chess #boxing #Athletics #swimming #football #socker #volleybal #badminton #hockey #skiing #MMA #Bellator #ufc #martialarts #zelensky #Bakhmut #europe #bbc #guardian #dw #spiegel #france24 #bild
#CallForContributions #ThEdu23 (Theorem proving components for Educational software) "brings together experts in automated deduction with experts in education in order to further clarify the shape of a new software generation and to discuss existing systems" #ATP #CSEd #CSEducation
#cseducation #csed #ATP #thedu23 #CallForContributions
#CallForPapers #SETS2023 "aims at bringing together researchers interested in set theory, especially to design tools for dealing with set theory, such as interactive or automated theorem provers, proof checkers, theories for general purpose proof tools, constraint solvers, programming languages etc" #SetTheory #ITP #ATP
#ATP #ITP #settheory #sets2023 #callforpapers
#CallForPapers #HVCS2023 (Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis) "aims to bring together researchers working in the communities of Constraint/Logic Programming (e.g., ICLP and CP), Program Verification (e.g., CAV, TACAS, and VMCAI), and Automated Deduction (e.g., CADE, IJCAR), on the topic of Horn clause based analysis, verification, and synthesis". Accepted papers published in EPTCS. #logic #ATP #verification #LogicProgramming #ConstraintProgramming
#constraintprogramming #logicprogramming #verification #ATP #logic #hvcs2023 #callforpapers
#CallForPapers #HVCS2023 (Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis) "aims to bring together researchers working in the communities of Constraint/Logic Programming (e.g., ICLP and CP), Program Verification (e.g., CAV, TACAS, and VMCAI), and Automated Deduction (e.g., CADE, IJCAR), on the topic of Horn clause based analysis, verification, and synthesis". Accepted papers published in EPTCS. #logic #ATP #verification #LogicProgramming #ConstraintProgramming
#constraintprogramming #logicprogramming #verification #ATP #logic #hvcs2023 #callforpapers
On this week's blog I unravel the great pile-up of acronyms that is 'McNetKAT' #atp #verification #networks #ProbabilisticProgramming
#ProbabilisticProgramming #networks #verification #ATP
1 Milliarde Jahre Abstinenz: Chloroplasten dürfen endlich auf Sex hoffen!
Pflanzliche Vermehrung verlangt nach Pollen und Eizelle, dabei können die Eltern-Chloroplasten genetisches Material austauschen. Forscher des Max-Planck-Instituts entdeckten, dass auch väterliche Chloroplasten vererbt werden können - eine Erkenntni...
#Chloroplasten #Photosynthese #Chlorophyll #Carotinoide #ATP #MaxPlanckInstitut #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#Chloroplasten #Photosynthese #Chlorophyll #carotinoide #ATP #MaxPlanckInstitut #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
1 Milliarde Jahre Abstinenz: Chloroplasten dürfen endlich auf Sex hoffen!
Pflanzliche Vermehrung verlangt nach Pollen und Eizelle, dabei können die Eltern-Chloroplasten genetisches Material austauschen. Forscher des Max-Planck-Instituts entdeckten, dass auch väterliche Chloroplasten vererbt werden können - eine Erkenntni...
#Chloroplasten #Photosynthese #Chlorophyll #Carotinoide #ATP #MaxPlanckInstitut #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#Chloroplasten #Photosynthese #Chlorophyll #carotinoide #ATP #MaxPlanckInstitut #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
In my eyes this father should be banned for life from #tennis #ATP
Srdjan #Djokovic, #Novak's father, will not be present at his son's semifinal at the #Australian Open in #Melbourne on Friday. He was heavily criticised for posing in the Australian city with supporters of Russian #dictaqtor Vladimir #massmurderer #psychopath #Putin
It shows once more how stupid people can be, the #genocide of #Ukranians is a major #warcrime by #Russia #SlavaUkraine #Ukraine
#tennis #ATP #djokovic #novak #australian #melbourne #dictaqtor #massmurderer #psychopath #putin #genocide #Ukranians #warcrime #russia #slavaUkraine #Ukraine
Interesting #CallForPapers : #CADE29 International Conference on Automated Deduction "is the major international forum for presenting research on all aspects of automated deduction. High-quality submissions on the general topic of automated deduction, including logical foundations, theory and principles, applications in and beyond computer science and mathematics, and implementations of automated reasoning systems are solicited". #logic #atp
#ATP #logic #cade29 #callforpapers
2012-10-21 曼斯·雷德 #豆瓣 科学松鼠会读者花园小组
作者完结后的声明 :
本文并非全部原创,其中有大量数据、理论和史料来自于英国生物化学家、科普作家 Nick Lane的著作 #Oxygen 和#Mitochondria。这两本书都是非常好的#科普 读物,可惜没有中译本。大致引用了他的占1/3,自己发挥的占1/3,以及扯远了的占1/3。特此声明和致谢。
#科学松鼠会 转载存档:
#chemiosmosis #化学渗透 #直觉和反直觉 #ATP #DNA #ATPase #彼得米切尔
———— ⁂ ————
在以前本小组的讨论中,我曾提到“比如你如果不理解所有生物共有的#膜渗透 #能量供应 #化学原理,你就根本无从评价任何#生命起源 的理论。”
在一篇题为“为什么还有这么多人相信#进化论?( )”的帖子中,蒙hongdou网友发信询问,所以这篇文章既是一篇泛泛的科普,也是对这个问题的具体介绍。
一、#直觉 与#反直觉
三、彼得·米切尔:#泵,#水坝 和#泄洪道
五、#火星 为什么是红色的,以及#鞭毛 公案
#豆瓣 #oxygen #mitochondria #科普 #科学松鼠会 #chemiosmosis #化学渗透 #直觉和反直觉 #ATP #dna #ATPase #彼得米切尔 #膜渗透 #能量供应 #化学原理 #生命起源 #进化论 #直觉 #反直觉 #泵 #水坝 #泄洪道 #火星 #鞭毛
Happy July 4th! You've likely learned about ATP, but what about the machine that makes it, ATP synthase? Our new Unit 2 includes animations of this awesome enzyme in action. Get your access today!
#ATP #ATPsythase #3Dbiology #molecularmachine
#molecularmachine #3Dbiology #ATPsythase #ATP
第二盘后段一直抽风到抢七结束,全场下来,网前被穿成筛子,正手反手轮流抽风,底线rally也占不到便宜,纯靠发球续命的速效救心丸一天 :aru_0520: #StefanosTsitsipas #tennis #ATP 不确定我会想看第二轮,明天蕾蕾打Sasha 好好打吧 :aru_0170:
#StefanosTsitsipas #tennis #ATP
Next in our series on mitochondria, embedded in the cristae-folds of the mitochondrial inner membrane are hundreds of ATP synthase molecules - an amazing example of working turbines that supply the cell with ATP to give it energy. #3Dbiology #animations #ATP #mitochondria
#mitochondria #ATP #animations #3Dbiology
#ATP Rotterdam 500 updates:
- #DaniilMedvedev, #JannikSinner withdrew
- #AndyMurray, #Tsonga awarded WC
-> 1) No Stefaniil, no AO QF rematch, possible USO "I lost respect" rematch 🆘
2) No new world #1 anytime soon. Meddy truly doesn't care :aru_0520:
#ATP #DaniilMedvedev #JannikSinner #AndyMurray #Tsonga
For the next three weeks, we will take you through the mitochondria to show you how it works. Let's start by zooming in to this awesome organelle. #3D #biology #mitochondria #ATP #animations
#animations #ATP #mitochondria #biology #3D