📢The #AUEU Innovation Agenda is now adopted ✔️
We look forward to implementing it together with all #EU Member States 🇪🇺 the AfricanUnion🌏& all our international partners!
👉🏿Read more : https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/africa/news/new-eu-africa-innovation-agenda-enhance-cooperation-science-technology-and
#GlobalGateway #EUAfrica #europeanunion #africaunion #au #eu https://t.co/dJK6CMAme6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURAXESSAfrica/status/1682296927927386115
#AUEU #EU #GlobalGateway #EUAfrica #EuropeanUnion #africaunion #AU
RT Birgitte Markussen
Three amazing years in Addis Ababa from 2020 to 2023. To me the strategic #AUEU partnership remains as relevant as ever for the #EU as well as for the @_AfricanUnion. Same strong vision of economic integration, but still different. Read my interview in @TheAfricaReport @EUtoAU 👇
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The Africa Report: #EU: Outgoing Ambassador to #Ethiopia Birgitte Markussen says the “big difference” between the #AU and the European regional body is the EU began life as an economic bloc, whereas the AU is based on a looser vision of political unity. Report by @FredHarter
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BNMarkussen/status/1677442420349214721
RT Germany │ African Union
Thank you @EgyInAddis, @EUtoAU & @AUC_PAPS for this timely meeting on the implementation of the #Malabo summit outcomes. Looking forward to attending more #Africa Dialogues on Counter Terrorism in order to find joint solutions to a global threat. https://n.respublicae.eu/EgyInAddis/status/1676127062732488704 https://t.co/BQMRFd1zwG
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Egypt in Addis Ababa 🇪🇬: We, with @EUtoAU & @AUC_PAPS, co-hosted the second session of #Africa Dialogues on #CounterTerrorism, that focused on tracking progress in the implementation of #Malabo Summit outcomes and the efforts of #AU’s #Peace & #Security Council. The session saw valuable contributions-
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Germany_AU/status/1676428641327104000
#Malabo #Africa #counterterrorism #AU #peace #security
RT Egypt in Addis Ababa 🇪🇬
We, with @EUtoAU & @AUC_PAPS, co-hosted the second session of #Africa Dialogues on #CounterTerrorism, that focused on tracking progress in the implementation of #Malabo Summit outcomes and the efforts of #AU’s #Peace & #Security Council. The session saw valuable contributions-
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EgyInAddis/status/1676127062732488704
#Africa #counterterrorism #Malabo #AU #peace #security
RT Egypt in Addis Ababa 🇪🇬
Re - from #CISSA, @africa_amani & @AU_ACSRT. The sessionunderlined the necessity to adhere to the #Malabo timelines, enhance coordination among #AUC, #MS, & RECs/RMs, adopt a comprehensive approach& fast-tracking the establishment of #AU Ministerial Committee on Counter Terrorism. https://t.co/WArZb3r0zC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EgyInAddis/status/1676127162158465024
EU加盟各国の首脳たちは30日、前回のEU・ #アフリカ連合(#AU)@_AfricanUnion 首脳会議で合意された通り、同連合が #G20 の常任メンバーになることを支持すると発表。われわれはアフリカと共に、より良い世界のために共通の声を強めていく決意である🌍
#EUinJapan https://t.co/gI1nafckiE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1675742550789959680
RT Thomas Huyghebaert
Inaugural High Level Steering Meeting #AU #AfricaCDC & #TeamEurope just started to discuss and deepen EU AU health partnership, delivering on vaccine manufacturing and health security @AfricaCDC @AUC @EUtoAU @EU_Partnerships https://t.co/ebAkFVAO0c
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ThomasHuygheba1/status/1674323410514526209
RT Maria Cristina Russo
The signing of the Letter of Intent between @EUScienceInnov 🇪🇺& @UNEP🇺🇳marks an important step in the realisation of the #AU-#EU #InnovationAgenda, affirming our willingness to join forces to implement this Agenda, in close collaboration with our 🌍 partners.
#Multilateralism https://n.respublicae.eu/EUScienceInnov/status/1670807561254195205 https://t.co/YH7bYY9WWc
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🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaCrisRusso/status/167105515
#AU #EU #InnovationAgenda #multilateralism
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Polarons and bipolarons in a two-dimensional square lattice
Shanshan Ding, G. A. Domínguez-Castro, Aleksi Julku, Arturo Camacho-Guardian, Georg M. Bruun
SciPost Phys. 14, 143 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #AU #UniversityofHannover #unam #SUSTech #CONACYT #DNRF #dfg
RT @JochenFlasbarth: Happy birthday @_AfricanUnion! On the occasion of #AU 60th anniversary we celebrated the #AfricaDay at #VillaBorsig in Berlin. I discussed with AFC president Samaila Zubairu about the African Continental Free Trade Area @AfCFTA https://t.co/FuBCrk6TpT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ArneLietz/status/1662365513631006721
Seat in the #UN Security Council for the African Union. A very good proposal from Chancellor #Scholz in #Addisababa . Regions like #EU, #AU, #ASEAN are essential for global governance and should be represented in the #UNSC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jo_leinen/status/1654496603934171139
#UN #Scholz #AddisAbaba #EU #AU #ASEAN #unsc
On 2-3 May, 🇪🇺 #PSC welcomed #AU Peace & Security Council in Brussels for important discussions during our annual, highly valued #PSC2PSC meetings. Our dialogue is a key pillar of the EU-Africa Partnership on Peace & Security
@_AfricanUnion @Rotengo2 @LaranjinhaEU1 @BNMarkussen
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_eeas/status/1654210485770768384
FRA’s Director @MichaelCJT addressed the #EU-#AU #HumanRights dialogue.
FRA’s @MichaelCJT spoke about the state of human rights in Europe, highlighting measures taken in the areas of migration, combating racism, in particular towards people of African descent, & civil society.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1654060992089800704
Looking forward to today’s #EU-#AU #HumanRights dialogue.
FRA’s @MichaelCJT will speak about human rights in Europe covering diversity, inclusion, and countering racism, particularly towards people of African descent.
For more see:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1654007647367045122
RT @MariaCrisRusso: Just cochaired w/ @chomoramikeka a successful🌟 #AU & #EU Senior Officials Meeting discussing the final draft of the #AUEU #InnovationAgenda: an important milestone towards the adoption of 13 June at the R&I Ministerial.Moving fwd in the realisation of this joint #PositiveAgenda! https://t.co/sxjKUQPb3G
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1654059592345608192
#AU #EU #AUEU #InnovationAgenda #PositiveAgenda
RT @Bankole_Adeoye: Exchange of views at the Meeting of the Africa Working Party of the Council of the European Union (COAFR). We discussed the AU-EU partnership, follow-up on commitments taken at the 6th #EU-#AU Summit, and issues relating to peace and security in Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia https://t.co/LiHzxTJ0uy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1653137210281959460
Voyager were a bit of a surprise to me. They're a really good live band - the vocals are tight. At first I thought it was irredeemably cheesy and dated, but I've warmed to it, particularly the bombastic, over-the-top ending.
It's going to be a super show-closer in SF2 and has a good chance of qualifying.
#AU #ldneurovision #Eurovision
RT @AUC_PAPS: On behalf of Commissioner @Bankole_Adeoye Director @SarjohBah3 congratulated Member States that have completed their mine clearance obligations and appealed for support to countries following suit. The #AU remains committed to supporting demining efforts in Africa. 2/4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1643176991489683456
RT @EURAXESSAfrica: 📢 📢 EU-Africa Union – food safety
👉✔️See more: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/africa/news/eu-africa-union-food-safety
#scholarships #science #europeancommission #africa #opportunities #network #EU #AU #research #food safety #foodsafety
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1640693183276253185
#scholarships #science #EuropeanCommission #Africa #opportunities #network #EU #AU #research #food #foodsafety
RT @AU_HHS: The leadership of the #AU-#EU-#UN tripartite taskforce on #Libya 🇱🇾 headed by the @AUC_MoussaFaki envoy @AmbSamate met on the sidelines of the European Humanitarian Forum in #Brussels 🇧🇪 to adopt the cooperation framework for the tripartite taskforce.
@_AfricanUnion @EUtoAU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1638075676388474880