Do people who use to #fiatCurrencies, like #USD or #AUD know they've been trolled every single day of their life?
#debtSlavery #modernSlavery #centralBanks #theFed #usury #freedomSoftware #whatIsBitcoin
#fiatCurrencies #usd #AUD #debtslavery #modernslavery #centralBanks #thefed #Usury #freedomsoftware #whatIsBitcoin
Medications to treat alcohol use disorder underutilized in B.C., study finds | CTV News “A new study is highlighting a huge gap in the treatment of alcohol use disorder (#AUD) in #BritishColumbia, which researchers believe is largely due to a lack of awareness and stigma.
Findings published Tuesday by the #BCCentreonSubstanceUse suggest fewer than five per cent of people with the disorder are accessing evidence-based treatment.”
#AUD #britishcolumbia #bccentreonsubstanceuse
Paid summer internship!
See the attached announcement for a paid, full-time summer internship for undergrad or grad students at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. This is a great opportunity for exposure to Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology research in a clinical setting. Open to students from hearing/speech, engineering, psych, or any related field. Reach out for more info or apply now!
#slp #AUD #speech #hearing #auditory #summerinternship
This is the third best start to the year for the #AUD in three decades...
Guess it's #introduction time! I'm an assistant professor at Auburn University in the #psychology department who has really valued the #academic connections from #sciencetwitter. Hope to reconnect and make new ones on this side of the #twittermigration .
My research: #cognitiveneuroscience #neuroscience #fMRI #mri #tms #addiction #sud #aud #moral #risktaking #psychopathy #crime #neurolaw
#science #sciencetwitter #academia #isthishowiusehashtags? #LearningNewSocialMediaIsHard
#introduction #psychology #academic #sciencetwitter #twittermigration #cognitiveneuroscience #neuroscience #fMRI #mri #TMS #addiction #sud #AUD #Moral #risktaking #psychopathy #crime #neurolaw #science #academia #isthishowiusehashtags #learningnewsocialmediaishard
50% of folks w #eatingdisorders struggle with alcohol use disorder
35% of folks with #AUD struggle with eating disorder behavior
#drunkorexia is the colloquial term for replacing meals with alcohol.
We have to ask or we will never see what’s hiding in plain sight.
#EatingDisorders #AUD #drunkorexia
If any #SLPeeps are still hanging around #ASHA22 on Sat at 1 PM, me and my colleagues are presenting on our research on #Disability #Accommodations in #ClinicalEducation in #CSD
Accessibility in Action: Reframing Thinking About Student Accommodations in Clinical Education Settings - CC 262
#ASHA2022 #ASHA #AUD #slp2b #SLP #CSD #clinicaleducation #Accommodations #disability #asha22 #slpeeps
Why do car companies build concepts? We ask Audi’s product planner
#Audigrandsphere #AudiUrbansphere #MontereyCarWeek #AudiPB18e-tron #Audiskysphere #conceptcars #conceptcar #thequail #Cars #Aud
#Audigrandsphere #AudiUrbansphere #MontereyCarWeek #AudiPB18e #Audiskysphere #conceptcars #conceptcar #thequail #cars #AUD
The person doing the purchase has utmost choice. That is important from a democratic perspective. If vendors want to remain network-free then they'll be permitted to continue that, but for those vendors who over the past years tacitly accept/adopt a range of abstract digital credit systems, and actually #USD (or in our case #AUD) is one, could be seen as a disturbing one, then accepting BTC (converting it immediately to USD at 0 cost) is just another interface.
Don't blame #WallSt - its all #CoronaVirus' fault!
#pyramidScheme #moneyPrinting #USD #AUD #repoScandal #gold #silver #bitcoin #smsf #superannuation #pensionaccounts #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #greed #pumpAndDump #perfectExcuse #wallStreet #USA #US #blameChina #china
#WallSt #coronavirus #anyExcuseWillDo #pyramidscheme #moneyPrinting #usd #AUD #repoScandal #gold #silver #bitcoin #SMSF #superannuation #pensionaccounts #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #greed #pumpAndDump #perfectExcuse #wallstreet #usa #us #blameChina #china
Don't blame #WallSt - its all #CoronaVirus' fault
#pyramidScheme #moneyPrinting #USD #AUD #repoScandal #gold #silver #bitcoin #smsf #superannuation #pensionaccounts #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #greed #pumpAndDump #perfectExcuse #wallStreet #USA #US #blameChina #china
#WallSt #coronavirus #anyExcuseWillDo #pyramidscheme #moneyPrinting #usd #AUD #repoScandal #gold #silver #bitcoin #SMSF #superannuation #pensionaccounts #passiveInvesting #passiveinvestment #greed #pumpAndDump #perfectExcuse #wallstreet #usa #us #blameChina #china