Two cracking rides over the long weekend. Friday: a hilly randonnée with amazing scenery, a pub stop and a pub finish. #cycling #bikeToot #bikeTooter #AudaxUK #AUK
#cycling #biketoot #biketooter #audaxuk #AUK
I’m now officially a member of the #SuperRandonneur club #cycling #bikeToot #bikeTooter #AudaxUK #AUK
#superrandonneur #cycling #biketoot #biketooter #audaxuk #AUK
Done. Last 100km were a struggle but the tailwind helped. #cycling #bikeToot #bikeTooter #AudaxUK #AUK #SuperRandonneur
#cycling #biketoot #biketooter #audaxuk #AUK #superrandonneur
Humber Bridge: 350km #cycling #bikeToot #bikeTooter #AudaxUK #AUK
#cycling #biketoot #biketooter #audaxuk #AUK
Tomorrow (and Saturday) I’m taking the final step towards #SuperRandonneur with this 600km ride to Lincoln and back. #cycling #bikeToot #bikeTooter #AudaxUK #AUK
#superrandonneur #cycling #biketoot #biketooter #audaxuk #AUK
I became an #audaxUK member a year ago today, 21 randonnées completed since, the longest a 400. Should have been embarking on a 600 this morning but made the sensible decision to postpone on account of the weather forecast for tomorrow. #cycing #biketoot #AUK
#audaxuk #cycing #biketoot #AUK
#YACF forum post today giving an outline of some major positive changes to #LEL2025 (London Edinburgh London 2025 #cycling event)
In summary : support vehicles are banned, more opportunities for food & sleep outside controls, more efforts to prevent cheating.
All good stuff as far as I am concerned.
#yacf #lel2025 #cycling #BikeTooter #audax #AUK #longdistancecycling #LEL2022
Just finished planning next month’s 600km ride. #SuperRandonneur here I come. #cycling #audax #AUK #biketoot
#superrandonneur #cycling #audax #AUK #biketoot
I'm an AUK but no longer ride long distances (whatever that means - it's all relative) but I'm still 'imbued with the spirit of long distance cycling'.
Helped out at the Boston LEL control (but probably won't get involved next time)
#AUK #audax #cycling #lel #LEL2022
Considering Paris Brest Paris next year? The Audax UK calendar has a wide choice of BRM events available, but worth knowing they'll sell out more quickly than non-PBP years. Here's a great 200km event at the beginning of the year: 'Yorkshire Grit'... as it will be using roads gritted for winter. #AUK #Audax #PBP #Randonneur #BrevetDeRandonneursMondiaux
#brevetderandonneursmondiaux #randonneur #pbp #audax #AUK
Not a lot happening on these hashtags. To be fair, there weren't a lot of AudaxUK members on the other social media site. We're a bit niche in the cycling community. :) #AUK #Audax #Randonneur #RRtY #cycling.
#Cycling #rrty #randonneur #audax #AUK
@haikushack handmade by Mary Jane Watson, experienced #randonneur and long distance cyclist from the Isle of Man. #audax #auk #SocksSandals
#sockssandals #AUK #audax #randonneur