Remember when Republicans stood in front of the American people and claimed "We want more TrANspaRuhnCEEeE!"
Just throw that claim on the ever-growing pile of bullshit that spews from their mouths.
#Arizona #Republicans #AZPol #transparency
"Arizona’s GOP legislators vote to shield themselves from public records laws"
#arizona #republicans #AZPol #transparency
Local nutjob tries to raise $33,000 to support Kari Lake's election loss bitterness.
After several weeks, nutjob lands only $168.
#AZPol #karilake #electionloser
It used to be the case that threats like these would get you locked up. Nowadays, it's just a typical Republican phone call.
"Liddy recalled that the RNC attorney, whom he and others identified as Benjamin Mehr, told him that there were 'a lot of irate people out there' and that the campaign 'can’t control them.'"
"Kari Lake campaign denies threatening Maricopa official in leaked phone call"