Digital India Has Run Out of Freedoms
Any democratic right that is being evolved for safeguarding citizens in Digital India has been overruled by laws and policies that have completely opposite effects, writes Srinivas Kodali.
#InternetShutdown #aadhar #privacy #DataProtection #PersonalData #StateSurveillance #InternetFreedom #democracy #authoritarianism #censorship #HumanRights #hindutva #BJP #india
#internetshutdown #Aadhar #privacy #dataprotection #personaldata #statesurveillance #internetfreedom #democracy #authoritarianism #censorship #humanrights #hindutva #BJP #india
How state family database projects pose dangers of in-depth citizen profiling and exclusion
These databases aim to be a “single source of truth” by having a complete profile of all residents ready with the government.
#UIDAI #aadhar #SFDB #MakkalID #SRDH #profiling #privacy #surveillance #DataProtection #StateGovts #india
#uidai #Aadhar #SFDB #makkalid #srdh #profiling #privacy #surveillance #dataprotection #stategovts #india
Surveillance concerns as India issues new digital IDs in Kashmir
In Indian-administered Kashmir, some see the new family IDs as part of a campaign to exert greater control over the residents.
#kashmir #surveillance #JKFamilyID #identification #militarisation #aadhar #privacy #HumanRights #welfare #india
#kashmir #surveillance #jkfamilyid #identification #militarisation #Aadhar #privacy #humanrights #Welfare #india
What’s really behind Jammu and Kashmir’s new Family ID?
Kashmiris fear the scheme is another tool for surveillance and collective punishment by the Indian state.
#kashmir #FamilyID #aadhar #identification #surveillance #militarisation #HumanRights #article370abrogation #privacy #DataProtection #ITAct #IFF #india
#kashmir #familyid #Aadhar #identification #surveillance #militarisation #humanrights #article370abrogation #privacy #dataprotection #itact #iff #india
RTI Exposes Government’s Fraudulent Fact-Check Mechanism
The PIB once branded one of my stories "fake" – but the only "fact-check" it had done was to read a tweet from the women and child ministry, writes Tapasya.
#PIB #FactChecking #ITRules #PressFreedom #RTI #aadhar #misinformation #UnionGovt #media #india #BJP
#pib #factchecking #ITrules #pressfreedom #rti #Aadhar #misinformation #uniongovt #media #india #BJP
How the judiciary has been a political boon for the Modi government
One of the most remarkable characteristics of the age of Modi has been how politically beneficial the Supreme Court’s rulings have been for the Union executive. Not only have controversial laws either been upheld but, in some cases, they have never been heard, this allowing the policies to continue.
#IndianJudiciary #SupremeCourt #NarendraModi #UnionGovt #law #PMLA #aadhar #BabriMasjid #BJP #fascism #HumanRights #MastIndia #india
#indianjudiciary #supremecourt #narendramodi #uniongovt #law #PMLA #Aadhar #babrimasjid #BJP #fascism #humanrights #mastindia #india
Chennai corp lets private agency collect citizens' biometric data without a contract?
The private company has been collecting precious biometric data from poor citizens, but the state has put no safeguards in place, according to highly placed sources and the owner of the company himself.
#Chennai #data #DataPrivacy #GCC #TNUHDB #governance #biometrics #TamilNadu #aadhar #identification #MastIndia #india
#Chennai #data #dataprivacy #gcc #tnuhdb #governance #biometrics #tamilnadu #Aadhar #identification #mastindia #india
Makkal ID is not similar to Aadhaar card, says TN e-Governance Director
Tamil Nadu’s State Family Database (SFDB) will provide a unique Makkal ID to each citizen, which is expected to provide a 360-degree profile of the state's residents.
#SFDB #TamilNadu #governance #aadhar #MakkalID #data #TNeGA #identification #MastIndia #india
#SFDB #tamilnadu #governance #Aadhar #makkalid #data #tnega #identification #mastindia #india