@atomicpoet @fediversenews I hope they give that release update the Nickname "Aaron"...
Cuz #AaronSwartz made #Markdown...
Génial épisode du podcast Honest Offence, interview de Lawrence Lessig au sujet d'Aaron Swartz. Passionnant et brillant, avec une séquence très émouvante quand Lessig exprime sa colère triste suite au suicide de Swartz, lui en voulant presque de l'avoir abandonné dans leur œuvre commune. Poignant et élégant. Si vous comprenez l'anglais, foncez !
Spéciale dédicace à @ploum (même si je suppose que tu l'as déjà écouté depuis longtemps...)
Excellent #podcast 😢
Try to be like Aaron.
I miss him #AaronSwartz
I miss his voice and the hope he generated just for daring being himself, just for daring imagining a world where knowledge would be free as in Freedom.
I never met him, but his blog was one of the first blog I used to read and the contributions he did to "the internet" will never be forgotten, that includes contributions to #RSS specs if my memory still works :/
@securedrop https://fosstodon.org/@securedrop/109673437268259504
[derleme] Aaron Swartz – Savaşmaya Değer #AaronSwartz
Hoy se cumplen 10 años de la perdida física del programador y activista del conocimiento libre #AaronSwartz
En su memoria hoy #11Ene se celebra el día del #CiberActivismo
Lo recordamos con una de sus frases célebres:
«No hay justicia al respetar leyes injustas».
Gracias por todo hermano ❤️
#ciberactivismo #11Ene #AaronSwartz
@pandoc still missing #aaronsw #AaronSwartz...
He was legendary and his prosecution was a political show trial!
Buenos días #fediverse , 10 años ya sin #AaronSwartz 😔 ... ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
RT @avilarenata
Today, more than ever, let´s celebrate shadow libraries and the courageous and generous techies behind them. #access2knowledge #AaronSwartz
#AaronSwartz #access2knowledge
Pour rendre hommage à #AaronSwartz en célébrant le dixième anniversaire de sa mort, C & F Éditions offre quelques uns de leurs ouvrages au format epub (sans DRM) : https://cfeditions.com/aaron-swartz-day-2023/
#DRM #communsnumeriques #OpenSource #epub #creativecommons #AaronSwartz
Last night I watched "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz", boy it was frustrating to hear what happened.
#AaronSwartz is an amazing person who impacted the web deeply.
#AaronSwartz #openlibrary #internetarchive #copyright
A 9 años del fallecimiento del jóven programador, activista y defensor del acceso al conocimiento libre #AaronSwartz lo recordamos:
«Pero compartir no es inmoral - es un imperativo moral -. Sólo aquellos que están cegados por la codicia se negarían a hacerle una copia a un amigo».
(Link below, feel free to share 👇)
This #aaronswartzday, I thought about #aaronswartz and many other people (real and imagined, alive and dead) who I would prefer as builders of my #metaverse. The future is here, perhaps; but it's ratio of "cyber" to "punk" is not to my liking.
#metaverse #AaronSwartz #aaronswartzday
(Link below, feel free to share 👇)
This #aaronswartzday, I thought about #aaronswartz and many other people (real and imagined, alive and dead) who I would prefer as builders of my #metaverse. The future is here, perhaps; but it's ratio of "cyber" to "punk" is not to my liking.
#metaverse #AaronSwartz #aaronswartzday
In honour of Aaron Swartz Day, here's a link to the award-winning documentary about him, which you can legally watch right here on the Fediverse thanks to its creative commons licence:
...and here's a tip about one of the technologies which Swartz played a major role in developing...
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#aaronswartzday #AaronSwartz #Fediverse #FediTips #Mastodon #MastoTips #RSS
Un día como hoy nació #AaronSwartz
Programador y activista, conocido en la comunidad de #SoftwareLibre como el "Primer mártir en pro del Conocimiento Libre".
Fue un ferviente defensor del acceso al conocimiento y ayudó al desarrollo de #CreativeCommons
¡Gracias por todo Aaron!
#creativecommons #SoftwareLibre #AaronSwartz
#aaronswartz would have been 34 today.
The struggle to keep a free, safe and open Commons goes on, and you have a part in that struggle. #passiton.