Opening remarks to a packed hall tonight by TD @PearseDoherty at #ThePeoplesAssembly in Ballybofey Donegal - #Haveyoursay #HaeYerSpake
It’s time to plan, time for nation building, time to reach out our hands, it’s time for constitutional change.
#ThePeoplesAssembly #HaveYourSay #HaeYerSpake #AbairLeat
RT @DeclanKearneySF: The new Ireland is for everyone - Have your say!
Register to attend on Wednesday 12 October, 7-9pm, Waterfront Hall, Belfast. Or make an online submission at:
#jointheconversation #AbairLeat #HaeYerSpake
RT @DeclanKearneySF: Today I was delighted to announce that the facility to make written submissions from all across the country and beyond, to Sinn Féin’s ‘Commission on the Future of Ireland’ is now open at
The new Ireland is for everyone