Jeanetta Bryant, American Health & Freedom Summit, January 5-8, 2023, Orlando
For more information, to register:
Jeanetta Bryant is the Founder and Executive Director of Abilities Workshop, Inc. in Orlando, FL.
The purpose of Abilities Workshop is to provide an educational platform and informational clearinghouse, mentoring, training, and support for parents, pastors, and teachers to empower families to successfully navigate their child’s special needs journey for optimal success.
#AbilitiesWorkshop #AmericanHealthFreedomSummit #AlternativeHealth #BigPharma #Chiropractic #ChronicIllness #Covid19 #FreedomSummit #Healthcare #HealthSummit #LongCovid #MedicalFreedom #SickCare #VaccineInjury #Wellness #WholeBodyHealth
#WholeBodyHealth #wellness #VaccineInjury #sickcare #medicalfreedom #LongCovid #HealthSummit #healthcare #FreedomSummit #COVID19 #chronicillness #chiropractic #BigPharma #alternativehealth #AmericanHealthFreedomSummit #AbilitiesWorkshop
Jeanetta Bryant, American Health & Freedom Summit, January 5-8, 2023, Orlando
For more information, to register:
Jeanetta Bryant is the Founder and Executive Director of Abilities Workshop, Inc. in Orlando, FL.
The purpose of Abilities Workshop is to provide an educational platform and informational clearinghouse, mentoring, training, and support for parents, pastors, and teachers to empower families to successfully navigate their child’s special needs journey for optimal success.
Jeanetta was named the Top Autism Advocate in 2021 by Exceptional Needs Today. She is the mother of two children, one who lives with Autism.
#AbilitiesWorkshop #AmericanHealthFreedomSummit #AlternativeHealth #Chiropractic #ChronicIllness #Covid19 #FreedomSummit #Healthcare #HealthSummit #LongCovid #MedicalFreedom #SickCare #VaccineInjury #WholeBodyHealth
#WholeBodyHealth #VaccineInjury #sickcare #medicalfreedom #LongCovid #HealthSummit #healthcare #FreedomSummit #COVID19 #chronicillness #chiropractic #alternativehealth #AmericanHealthFreedomSummit #AbilitiesWorkshop