If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
RT @Heather_z860
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
While reviewing some kinky anime, this YouTuber does a comedy riff and accidentally exposes massive Puritan self-deception
#RespectYoungAdults #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect
#RespectYoungAdults #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect
RT @Heather_Toast
While reviewing some kinky anime, this YouTuber does a comedy riff and accidentally exposes massive Puritan self-deception
#RespectYoungAdults #Consent #xp #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect
#consent #rights #respect #RespectYoungAdults #ageofconsent #xp #statutoryrape #AbilityToConsent #csa #AgeOfConsentLaws
While reviewing some kinky anime, this YouTuber does a comedy riff and accidentally exposes massive Puritan self-deception
#RespectYoungAdults #Consent #xp #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect
#csa #consent #xp #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #AbilityToConsent #RespectYoungAdults #statutoryrape #respect #rights
RT @Heather_Toast
What does sex bomb #NancyValen have to do with #Hyenas?
How is #DavidHasselhoff involved in all this?
#Consent #AbilityToConsent #Rape #SexualAssault #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #OfficeSex #WorkplaceRomance #SexualHarassment #MeToo #ConsentingAdults
#officesex #NancyValen #hyenas #davidhasselhoff #consent #AbilityToConsent #rape #sexualassault #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #WorkplaceRomance #sexualharassment #metoo #consentingadults
I live in an extremely stupid country
#RespectYoungAdults #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #SexPhobia #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent
#genz #agegap #SexPhobia #puritan #youngadults #RespectYoungAdults #geny #millennials #taboo #xp #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #PuritanRevival #consent #AbilityToConsent
RT @Heather_Toast
The age of consent in France is 15.
You think that's problematic?
Okay. Present your case. I'd love to hear it.
#RespectYoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #xp #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria https://twitter.com/mrgirlreturns/status/1610908734578110464
#DeficientBrains #RespectYoungAdults #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #AgeOfConsentLaws #xp #teens #teensex #StopTheHysteria #csa #ageofconsent #teenagers
The age of consent in France is 15.
You think that's problematic?
Okay. Present your case. I'd love to hear it.
#RespectYoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #xp #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
RT @mrgirlreturns
@war_bird1 @FerventPundit33 @MKelleher1221 Milo Yiannopoulos said it was like a normal part of growing up gay. I don't think that's tr…
#statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #xp #teens #teenagers #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #teensex #AgeOfConsentLaws
Rather than acknowledge the fact that we're reaching adulthood quicker, our society has decided to act like we are children much longer.
A bizarre delusion the widespread myth of "adolescence", a concept with zero scientific foundation.
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #YoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #youngadults #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights
Everyone should watch this video.
(btw: her "crime" harmed *no one*)
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #YoungAdults #xp #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#xp #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teensex #youngadults #rights #RespectYoungAdults #adolescence #geny #DeficientBrains #consent #csa #respect #puberty #stopthehate #AbilityToConsent #genz #millennials #AgeOfConsentLaws #teens #StopTheHysteria #statutoryrape #teenagers
Many people fundamentally misunderstand what age of consent laws actually do. Few take the time to learn how they work, or even what the law in their state is. Almost everybody has rosy notions of Romeo and Juliet laws that mean only bad people get branded sex criminals for life.
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #YoungAdults #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#rights #respect #youngadults #AbilityToConsent #csa #AgeOfConsentLaws #consent #RespectYoungAdults #statutoryrape #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria
Not that many people are virgins on their 18th birthdays.
That means a lot of minors consent to a lot of sex.
So why does everyone keep repeating "Minors Can't Consent!"???
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #YoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#adolescence #stopthehate #geny #genz #millennials #youngadults #DeficientBrains #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria #respect #puberty #consent #AbilityToConsent #RespectYoungAdults #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #teens
How big should the non-criminal age-gap be?
In Idaho it's 3 years. In Kentucky 10 years. In Illinois 0.
What is the scientific basis for deciding what's a good age-gap vs a bad age-gap?
Can anyone send me a link to the relevant research?
#RespectYoungAdults #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #YoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #AgeGap #StopTheHate #StopTheHysteria
#ageofconsent #youngadults #RespectYoungAdults #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #AgeOfConsentLaws #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #puberty #adolescence #agegap #StopTheHysteria #stopthehate
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #AbilityToConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #youngadults #PuritanRevival #xp #consent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent
I think it's detrimental to have an age of consent law full of exceptions,
or conditional on the size of the age gap or whatever.
It sends a confusing message to young people and to their parents.
#RespectYoungAdults #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect #StopTheHate #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #RespectYoungAdults #agegap #stopthehate #teens #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria
17-year-old Women are Women,
and also Underage.
Stop Lying.
Stop Spreading
Stupid Propaganda.
#RespectYoungAdults #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #SexPhobia #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #Ephebophilia #YoungAdults #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#xp #geny #genz #millennials #agegap #SexPhobia #youngadults #DeficientBrains #AgeOfConsentLaws #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #RespectYoungAdults #PuritanRevival #bodilyautonomy #consent #respect #puberty #taboo #puritan #adolescence #stopthehate #teensex #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #rights #StopTheHysteria
What an enormous waste of taxpayer money. SMDH.
#RespectYoungAdults #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #SexPhobia #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #Ephebophilia #YoungAdults #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#youngadults #bodilyautonomy #genz #millennials #agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #xp #statutoryrape #csa #stopthehate #ephebophilia #teens #PuritanRevival #consent #AbilityToConsent #respect #puberty #teensex #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #geny #DeficientBrains #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #adolescence #teenagers
In a subtle but powerful way we reorganized society
and the impact is tragic.
We must reverse course on this.
#RespectYoungAdults #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #SexPhobia #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #Ephebophilia #YoungAdults #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#geny #genz #millennials #SexPhobia #youngadults #xp #bodilyautonomy #csa #puritan #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #respect #puberty #adolescence #stopthehate #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #agegap #taboo #PuritanRevival