#b0311 ab 18:00
RT @darueberhinau10@twitter.com
★ Soli-Küche ★
3.11.2022 // ab 18 Uhr // @ KIEZLADEN Sonnenallee 154
Veganes Menü:
★ fruchtige Kürbis-Kokos-Suppe und selbstgebackenes Brot
★ warme Zimtschnecken
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/darueberhinau10/status/1587489272420081665
RT @women_in_exile@twitter.com
Our summer Bus Tour starts with a kick-off action on 21.7.21 at 11:00 in front of the Brandenburg Parliament with a rally against Lager & racism. Everyone is welcome to join & support the fight!#AbolishAllLagers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/women_in_exile/status/1417392218105602068
RT @women_in_exile@twitter.com
Stop the racist system!
How many more suicidal cases due to deportation threats should take place in order for our voices to be heard? We‘re all Salah!
#AbolishAllLagers #StopDulding #stopdeportation