@torrentfreak Ah yes, more capitalist and #CopyrightMaximalist propaganda in schools, just what we need⸮
#copyrightmaximalist #AbolishCopyright
@ellenor2000 @Linza @internetarchive @brewsterkahle Ultimately going to be necessary I think.
The #clearnet is fucked and will remain so until we #AbolishCopyright at minimum.
@memory @ariadne I think we should #AbolishPatents and #AbolishCopyright, for mostly distinct reasons.
#AbolishPatents #AbolishCopyright
@kryvyifedir @brewsterkahle Having grown-up on the poorer end of things, I'm not inclined to agree that libraries do not provide considerable benefits to society.
Even just as a symbol of resistance against the hegemony of copyright maximalists and similar obscurantists they're invaluable.
So long as we don't #AbolishCopyright digital means cannot remotely hope to serve the same purpose in anywhere near as resilient a fashion.
@rysiek Fuck the copyright maximalists & publishing cartels, #AbolishCopyright.
> Misskey also has extremely strict rules against audio in video because of Japanese copyright laws
Yet another reason the widespread hosting on the #clearnet is a bad idea.
So long as we haven't gone with #AbolishCopyright, it is a bad idea to do anything on it.
In gaining additional #privacy from the easy #anonymity, we also get to disregard stupid laws that aren't worthy of any respect.
Prompted by @RehnSturm256 (https://shota.house/objects/1b82e635-82ae-49ab-84f5-5b25ef64f79a)
#clearnet #AbolishCopyright #privacy #anonymity
@kmeisthax @eldubuu @pluralistic Doing away with the notion one can own ideas would be a very good start down that path.
#AbolishCopyright #AbolishPatents
There are so many good reasons to hate on AI companies, but copyright violations is not one of them.
@liztai We should all stop paying corporations as much as possible.
Fuck their AI, fuck their copyright, fuck their "intellectual property".
Paywalls are just an attempt at enclosing any and all remaining commons & public goods for mass #enshittification and value extraction.
#enshittification #AbolishCopyright
@corbin @Vrimj @tess Upholding "intellectual property", or rather patents and copyright conflicts with the notion of harm reduction.
Both have led to far more societal harm than good and in practice serve far more to strengthen monopolies and megacorporations.
#AbolishPatents #AbolishCopyright
What a clownshoes world we live in.
Some places have actually made "copyright infringement" into a crime. It's practically self-parody.
@Aknorals We need some hacktivist hero to liberate it. We also need to solve the root cause of the problem. #AbolishCopyright.
@Scarlet Copyright when applied without hypocrisy turns all cultural material into cognitohazards that must be avoided lest you end-up irremediably contaminated & unable to produce anything henceforth without lawsuits & penalties (human brains largely cannot do 100% original things).
It's patently absurd and it is an attempt to murder art & culture.
@slightlyflightyone@sergal.org It's really quite a funny take too as copyright has never been about labor compensation.
It's about productivization of ideas and individual instances of artwork or creative output.
It's quite bizarre to confound something so toxic with labor compensation.
@drq Copyright turns all art & cultural output into a cognitohazard, if it's actually applied.
It is fundamentally anti-social and incompatible with culture.
@retr0id Yeah... fuck the #DMCA, anyone that uses it and anyone that uses #DRM (https://www.defectivebydesign.org/) to rely on it.
#dmca #drm #defectivebydesign #AbolishCopyright
@drewdevault Yeah, that's generally why I like the #PatriciaTaxxon #GoldenCalf videos on #copyright and the funding of arts.
I linked to them here: https://mastodon.top/@lispi314/109918144425104762
#patriciataxxon #goldencalf #copyright #AbolishCopyright
@torrentfreak Broken clock is right once a year situation I guess? Or is it more of a "outdated calendar is reusable a few decades or centuries later"?
There really is no good excuse to support #DMCA or the #copyright system it bases itself upon.
#AbolishCopyright #dmca #copyright