@memes Imagine patenting work that's been in the public domain for centuries.
Astounding. #AbolishPatents.
@memory @ariadne I think we should #AbolishPatents and #AbolishCopyright, for mostly distinct reasons.
#AbolishPatents #AbolishCopyright
@kmeisthax @eldubuu @pluralistic Doing away with the notion one can own ideas would be a very good start down that path.
#AbolishCopyright #AbolishPatents
@rq This is part of why patents should be banned entirely.
You shouldn't get to hold back the entirety of humanity for the sake of some profit, especially with something that can be rediscovered from first principles.
Patents fail to account for parallel discovery/invention and so fail to account with the practicalities of reality.
@corbin @Vrimj @tess Upholding "intellectual property", or rather patents and copyright conflicts with the notion of harm reduction.
Both have led to far more societal harm than good and in practice serve far more to strengthen monopolies and megacorporations.
#AbolishPatents #AbolishCopyright
@ezio @Reiddragon The patent system is completely broken and would be unworthy of any respect for that alone (nevermind the fact it actively stifles innovation and only ever served to protect monopolists & megacorps).
@ezio @natty How did they even manage to get that patent when there were numerous others who did it prior?
#AbolishPatents, by all means, but whoever the hell is approving invalid patents like that without doing any research should be blacklisted from any position where they have to approve things based on due diligence.
@psykose @ska I can sympathize, I think #freedom should simply be the default.
Unfortunately, until everyone joins in with me and #AbolishCopyright & #AbolishPatents licenses still serve a use that I deem necessary.
#freedom #AbolishCopyright #AbolishPatents
@EggKnees Under the #patent system you are not allowed to reinvent anything from #FirstPrinciples which someone else somewhere might have already patented, regardless of your practical incapacity to ever know that.
And I honestly cannot see how it can be considered acceptable for someone to monopolize an idea in such a fashion, particularly if someone else can come up with it.
#patent #firstprinciples #AbolishPatents
@shoq The #patent system was designed from the very start to protect megacorps and #AntiCompetitive guilds.
Patents are also fundamentally based in the myth of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroic_theory_of_invention_and_scientific_development which is fundamentally incompatible with the reality of parallel invention or multiple discovery.
#patent #Anticompetitive #AbolishPatents
@bonkerfield At the same time though, it would be more sane for such a futurist economy to also do away with artificial scarcity of digital goods.
The creative work of *writing* that site's software should be paid, but the notion of digital "goods" as scarce "products" that aren't infinitely replicable at no cost should go the way of the dodo.
The creation of software & paid support thereof should be the main economic activity.
#AbolishCopyright #AbolishPatents
@craigmaloney You'd be surprised and disappointed how many bullshit patents get through.
More generally #AbolishPatents
@sjw JPEG XL losing is due to not only patents but *invalid* patents with existing prior work https://old.reddit.com/r/StallmanWasRight/comments/t9ekmf/how_to_defend_when_patent_office_gave_smb/ causing problems. The solution of course is to #AbolishPatents.
As for H.265 debacle, not publishing #OpenStandards in this day & age is just completely ridiculous.
#AbolishPatents #openstandards