@SallyStrange @Selena Sounds like the advert should have said something about #AbolishPrison to get more engaged Fathers.
Mondaze! #AbolishPrison #TheEmpiresMustFall
#AbolishPrison #TheEmpiresMustFall
The Politics of Prison – by Mwalimu Shakur
#AbolishPrison #BurnThePrisons
#AbolishPrison #burntheprisons
This is so typical of the justice system in Oregon. If the police do their jobs then the DA doesn't. If the DA does its job then the police don't and they all sit and blame the other. Then they gather together to praise the Feds for doing their job for them. All while keeping a rapist employed with access to victims. #AbolishPrison #ACAB #1312Always #OregonPol #PNW #Goldbricking
#AbolishPrison #acab #1312always #oregonpol #pnw #Goldbricking
Until every cage is free, no matter what the species.
#freeallanimals #AbolishPrison
#freeallanimals #AbolishPrison
That's why I believe in abolishing the police altogether and getting rid of #pigculture and willing to try anything else such as Panelist Peacekeepers for example... #abolishthepolice #AbolishPrison #abolish #disbandthepolice #disarm #disarmthepolice #DefundThePolice
#pigculture #abolishthepolice #AbolishPrison #abolish #disbandthepolice #disarm #disarmthepolice #DefundThePolice
#socialmedia #twitter #margaretkilljoy #acab #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolishprison #prisonabolition #policebrutality #carceraljustice #carceralthinking #carceralsystem #carceralsystems
#socialmedia #twitter #MargaretKilljoy #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #AbolishPrison #prisonabolition #policebrutality #carceraljustice #carceralthinking #carceralsystem #carceralsystems
#policebrutality #acab #allcopsarebad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolishprison #racism #antiblackness #antiblackracism #carceraljustice #carceralsystems #carceralsystem #carceralthinking #bigotry #hierarchy #hierarchies #marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures
#policebrutality #acab #AllCopsAreBad #allcopsarebastards #abolishthepolice #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #AbolishPrison #racism #antiblackness #antiblackracism #carceraljustice #carceralsystems #carceralsystem #carceralthinking #bigotry #hierarchy #hierarchies #Marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures
It's likely that there are abolitionists organizing near you! Go forth and find them, join them, learn together, fight together. Let your anger, your sorrow, your fear inspire action, inspire connection.
This work has been ongoing for ages, and continues in times when mainstream attention is hyper-focued (another police murder), and times when the popular discourse has moved on (or been buried / de-fanged / co-opted).
This work, in all its million manifestations, in all its million local projects, is a long struggle. But also, the time to join is urgently, unequivocally, now!
@abolition #abolition #Abolitionist #AbolishThePoloce #AbolishPrison #DEFUND #defundthepolce #struggle #praxis #organize #organizing
#Abolition #Abolitionist #AbolishThePoloce #AbolishPrison #DEFUND #defundthepolce #struggle #praxis #organize #Organizing
NYC Jails Want Controversial Contractor to Digitize Mail https://theintercept.com/2023/01/23/nyc-jail-rikers-mail-surveillance-securus/ #AbolishPolice #AbolishPrison
A StreetRoots investigation shows that the Oregon Department of Corrections can’t account for more than 63% of deaths in custody. Coming on the heels of ODOC’s abysmal handling of prisoners’ Covid infections, this is one more reason why so many people are calling for alternatives to incarceration. These abuses of power don’t make us safer, and most of us don’t want to be complicit #AbolishPrison https://www.streetroots.org/news/2022/12/28/odoc-custody-deaths
So a friend messaged me thru Jpay today & hey ho, new email system, JIT for the holidays! If you want to reply to an email, you have to sign up elsewhere, login again, to a new interface THAT DOESN'T LET YOU REPLY directly.
I can't say this enough **FUCK DOC**.
#Abolition #AbolishPrison #FuckDOC #Criminology #EndMassIncarceration #FuckPrison
image from uprisonculture.com
#fuckprison #endmassincarceration #criminology #fuckdoc #AbolishPrison #abolition
RT @EG_Berlin
wunderbar, dass ihr frei seid!🖤❤️
Leute in den Knast zu stecken ist nie eine Option. Wir müssen diese Straflogik überwinden.
Zusammen gegen jede #Repression https://twitter.com/Feuerwehr_Klima/status/1603659166291300352
#AbolishPrison #abolishpolice #repression
Dieser Boris ist mir von Herzen egal. Kann sich von mir aus in Luft auflösen.
Dennoch: #KnästeAbschaffen gilt immer, ohne Ausnahme. Was statt dessen mit ihm passiert, ist mir hingegen latte.
#knästeabschaffen #AbolishPrison
In #Wuppertal sind jetzt 3 Menschen in den Hände des Staates innerhalb 6 Wochen gestorben. Alles was ich darüber denke wäre strafrechtlich relevant...
https://www.wz.de/nrw/wuppertal/erneut-haeftling-in-wuppertal-tot_aid-64549439 #RestInPower #DeathInCustody #AbolishPrison #antireport
#wuppertal #restinpower #deathincustody #AbolishPrison #antireport
COVID Cases in Prisons and ICE Detention is the US Surpass 250,000