Read "Mifepristone Decision Is Rightwing Supreme Court Solomon’s Baby" #abortionpill #ReproductiveJustice #AbortionIsAHumanRight #AbortionIsMedicalCare #IllegitimateSCOTUS
#abortionpill #ReproductiveJustice #AbortionIsAHumanRight #AbortionIsMedicalCare #IllegitimateSCOTUS With the banning of the pill, and the terrorizing of doctors with fines, loss of licenses, and even criminal prosecutions, these cases, as well as deaths could reach the thousands. #AbortionIsMedicalCare
Baltimore Catholic officials engaged in a coverup of sexual abuse of at least 600 victims over a span of 60 years, Maryland attorney general accuses in new report.
Unfortunately, no drag queens or trans people were involved.
In any other human organization, such a pattern of behavior would be considered evidence of a criminal conspiracy. Just because we have a separation of Church and State, does not mean religious organizations should be treated with any kind of a kid-gloves, hands-off policy. If anything they should be held to higher standards of behavior (like their purported own, let's say) and receive even greater scrutiny because of the benefits they receive from the arrangement.
#church #religion #priest #politics #translivesmatter #lgbtrightsarehumanrights #AbortionIsMedicalCare
#church #religion #priest #politics #translivesmatter #lgbtrightsarehumanrights #AbortionIsMedicalCare
A couple people I organize with regularly were arrested today while leading a counter-protest against anti-abortion assholes who have been set up on campus all week with gory pictures of fake aborted babies. They were defending themselves from one of the anti-abortion crowd who had been putting hands on them when the cops tackled them. Cops did not handcuff the instigator. #ACAB #bodilyautonomy #abortionrights #AbortionIsMedicalCare
#acab #bodilyautonomy #abortionrights #AbortionIsMedicalCare
California Gov. Gavin Newsom's tweet :
#California #politics #walgreens #Democrats #Republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
#california #politics #walgreens #democrats #republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
BREAKING: California's Governor Gavin
Newsom has just announced that his state will NOT do business with Walgreens any longer. This comes after Walgreens refused to sell abortion pills in 20 states where they are still LEGAL.
If Republicans want to threaten Walgreens to take peoples' rights away then I am fine with Newsom threatening Walgreens to give people their rights back, especially when those are LEGAL rights.
I'm sick of watching Republicans try and dictate what private companies do. It's time that Democrats fight back to counter their fascism. I call or other Governors to do the same.
#news #politics #walgreens #Democrats #Republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
#news #politics #walgreens #democrats #republican #abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsMedicalCare #women #prochoice #proForcedBirth
Bandcamp Friday thread: artists supporting abortion funds in Texas.
#tw #AbortionOnDemandWithoutApology #AbortionIsMedicalCare