RT @ADL@twitter.com
Reproductive freedom is a Jewish value. Restrictions still denied access to abortion care even when Roe v. Wade was in place. We must think bigger in service of Jewish values to support full access to safe and legal abortion care. #AbortionJustice belongs here.
RT @louisianarepro@twitter.com
#AbortionJustice matters to us because it is OUR right to decide when, where, and how we want to be a parent and/or build a family! Why does abortion justice matter to you? #50thAnniversary #AbortionIshealthcare #AbortionIsEssential #BansOffOurBodies
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/louisianarepro/status/1616405447933657090
#Abortionjustice #50thanniversary #abortionishealthcare #abortionisessential #BansOffOurBodies
RT @ReproRights@twitter.com
Everyone should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions with dignity. Anything less than #AbortionJustice is a violation of fundamental rights, and we've been living with it for way too long. #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionIsEssential
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReproRights/status/1616165353821716482
#Abortionjustice #BansOffOurBodies #abortionisessential
RT @ReproRights@twitter.com
Abortion bans take away the freedom to make our own health care decisions with dignity. We need BOLD solutions for lasting change that ensure abortion is:
👉Supported for anyone who needs it.
#AbortionJustice belongs HERE.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReproRights/status/1615845994087825409
RT @AllAboveAll@twitter.com
#Throwback to when we lit up for #AbortionJustice in McAllen, Texas with @LaFronteraFund@twitter.com, @latinainstitute@twitter.com, @Sotx4rj@twitter.com and @pptxvotes@twitter.com 💡💚
Telehealth abortions already a success in Aotearoa. Clearly this was a much needed service and is allowing more people access to early abortion.
#Abortioncare #Abortionjustice #abortionishealthcare
Hashtag salad to connect w/ these two groups outside the communicative capitalism site
1) #FeministTheorists - #FeministTheory #FeministPhilosophy #BlackFeminism #BlackFeministTheory #intersectionality #IntersectionalFeminism #CriticalRaceTheory #DecolonialFeminism #DecolonialTheory #GlobalSouth #TheBody #Abolition #GenderStudies #EthnicStudies #Gender
2) #ReproductiveJustice - #misoprostol #AbortionFunds #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionJustice #SelfManagedAbortion #HealthJustice #AbortionPills
#FeministTheorists #feministtheory #feministPhilosophy #BlackFeminism #BlackFeministTheory #intersectionality #intersectionalfeminism #CriticalRaceTheory #DecolonialFeminism #DecolonialTheory #globalsouth #TheBody #abolition #genderstudies #ethnicstudies #gender #ReproductiveJustice #misoprostol #abortionfunds #AbortionIsHealthcare #Abortionjustice #Selfmanagedabortion #healthjustice #abortionpills
The U.S. Congress can ensure immigrants get the care they need by enacting 3 critical bills:
✅Health Equity & Access under the Law (HEAL) for Immigrant Families Act: ends harmful restrictions on health coverage eligibility
✅Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH) Act: ends the Hyde amendment, requires coverage
✅Women’s Health Protection Act: fed right to choose abortion
#Abortionjustice for immigrants can’t wait. Tell Congress to pass these bills: https://allaboveall.org/action/urge-congress-to-enact-policies-that-ensure-abortion-justice-for-immigrants/