i'm not really a Grammys person, but just WATCH this. she's so awesome. i fucking LOVE HER.
#Lizzo #AboutDamnTime
LIZZO Wins Record Of The Year For 'About Damn Time' | 2023 GRAMMYs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azg3JiCs3Bg&ab_channel=RecordingAcademy%2FGRAMMYs
Yay #Lizzo #AboutDamnTime Also congrats to #BonnieRait win one for us old folks
#bonnierait #AboutDamnTime #lizzo
Thanks to #therapy & #psilocybin I’ve recovered my drive, ambition, & swagger, and I’m starting off #2023 with a #NewAttitude, which means it’s time for a new #music #playlist.
Top on my playlist is “About Damn Time” by Lizzo. https://music.apple.com/us/album/about-damn-time/1619161952?i=1619162353
In the spirit of Lizzo’s album, I’m doing #PositiveVibes ONLY!
Help me out, Fedi! What are your favorite #empowerment songs?
What songs do you listen to that turn up your fire 🔥?
#therapy #psilocybin #newattitude #music #playlist #positivevibes #empowerment #AboutDamnTime
RT @Niamh_F_Kielb@twitter.com
Tell me again why nurses shouldn't strike? Tell me what it's like to look after 6x ITU patients on a shift by yourself. Tell me what it's like to suffer such horrendous PTSD you considered suicide. Enough. Is. Enough.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Niamh_F_Kielb/status/1589378020917522433
@explorergrace @Paola I was just in the bedroom putting fresh sheets on the bed and thinking this has felt like a Sum..r weekend #AboutDamnTime