Mike Lindell Joins WVW to Discuss the Reports Dominion is Suing Him for 1.3 Billion
#AbsoluteProof #dominion #MikeLindell
READ: Dominion Sues Mike Lindell For $1.3BN, Uses Nazi “Big Lie” Phrase 31 Times In Court Filing.
#AbsoluteProof #dominion #MikeLindell
@HealthRanger Their positions in the government are that fragile. This is the time to be vocal and in the streets (peacefully). The FBI tactic is to intimidate a few at a time. They can't handle the crowds right now. It will get press coverage. No one is organizing a resistance to this tyranny. #MikeLindell is a focal point, but get a copy of his #AbsoluteProof DVD, watch it with your family and friends. If it is not copyrighted, make copies to distribute. Get it out to the people at least.
WVW-TV: Exposing The Lies of the Fake News Media and Their Attacks on the Docu-Movie Absolute Proof and What America Must Do Now
ABSOLUTE PROOF: Exposing the Lies of the Fake News Media and their Attacks on the Docu-Movie, Absolute Proof; What Americans Must Do Now.
Mike Lindell, Brannon Howse & Mary Fanning on The Premier and Making of Their Docu-Movie, Absolute Proof
#absoluteproof #MikeLindell #brannonhowse #maryfanning #WVWtv
#WVWtv #MaryFanning #BrannonHowse #MikeLindell #AbsoluteProof
#MikeLindell releases explosive documentary on the 2020 #election – #AbsoluteProof film includes testimony and interviews from experts on historic fraud in 2020 election:
#AbsoluteProof #election #MikeLindell
Lots of sites have posted ABSOLUTE PROOF docu-movie. But most are going down! We have prepared for this! Our site is secure and can't be messed with! THEY'RE TRYING TO PREVENT YOU FROM SEEING THIS!!
Please share this link to watch:
#AbsoluteProof #MikeLindell #jovanpulitzer #brannonhowse #maryfanning #DrSHIVA
#DrSHIVA #MaryFanning #BrannonHowse #jovanpulitzer #MikeLindell #AbsoluteProof