Die #klemmenden #Landeklappen,
bewegen ganz Deutschland.
[Man könnte eine Band so nennen.]
#klemmenden #landeklappen #baerbock #AbuDhabi #Australien
Und ich sach noch, nehmt #DieBahn, aber nee, auf mich hört ja niemand.
#Baerbock #AbuDhabi #Australien
#DieBahn #baerbock #AbuDhabi #Australien
Solidale con la Svezia per l'incendio alla sua Ambasciata a Baghdad. Bruciare testi sacri, Vangelo, Corano o Torah, è un atto di violenza contro Dio e i credenti. Continuiamo ad impegnarci per il dialogo interreligioso. Un esempio è la Casa della Famiglia abramitica ad #AbuDhabi.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Antonio_Tajani/status/1681970600393297921
Re Solidarity with #Sweden over the burning of its embassy in Baghdad. Burning sacred texts, whether Gospel, Koran or Torah, is an act of violence against God and worshippers. We continue to strive for interfaith dialogue. An example is the Abrahamic Family House in #AbuDhabi.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Antonio_Tajani/status/1681978893735976960
RT Afra Al Hameli
During a briefing with foreign ambassadors in #AbuDhabi today on #COP28 plans and priorities, #COP28 President-Designate #DrSultanAlJaber emphasized that “COP28 will chart a new way forward.. A way that is science-based, pragmatic &inclusive”.
A pleasure to see the active… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1677375033709060114 https://t.co/wmmN3KTHTc
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AfraMalHameli/status/1677375033709060114
#AbuDhabi #COP28 #DrSultanAlJaber
Thank you, #DrSultanAlJaber, and your amazing @COP28_UAE team for the frank discussion and the excellent briefing for the diplomatic community in #AbuDhabi today at @AGDAUAE. We look forward to working together. https://t.co/q5VzRzjJZ4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nmladenov/status/1677362152242389025
RT @UAE_Forsan: Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi (EAD) Hosts EU Ambassadors for a Tour of Jubail Mangrove Park
#AbuDhabi #UAE #EU #MangrovePark #COP28 #COP28UAE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUintheUAE/status/1643857120838709248
#AbuDhabi #UAE #EU #MangrovePark #COP28 #COP28UAE
RT @LamyaKaddor: 1/3 Heute habe ich das @abrahamicfh besucht. Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie aus der Vision eines so einzigartigen Friedensprojektes Wirklichkeit geworden ist. Bei dem #AbrahamicFamilyHouse handelt es sich um einen interreligiösen Komplex auf der Insel Saadiyat in #AbuDhabi.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ArminLaschet/status/1633928439034986496
#AbrahamicFamilyHouse #AbuDhabi
Importante l'accoglienza riservata a @GiorgiaMeloni a #NuovaDelhi, partner strategico per #Italia e #UE e presidente di turno del #G20, e ad #AbuDhabi, Paese chiave politicamente ed economicamente. Confermato prestigio e credibilità internazionale del Presidente e del Governo.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RaffaeleFitto/status/1632276782094118912
#NuovaDelhi #Italia #UE #G20 #AbuDhabi
Lieto di essere il primo Ministro degli Esteri a visitare la Casa della Famiglia abramitica ad #AbuDhabi. Tre luoghi di culto vicini che incoraggiano il dialogo interreligioso. Qui cristiani, mussulmani ed ebrei convivono nella tolleranza e nel rispetto reciproci.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Antonio_Tajani/status/1631697548019630089
Lieto di essere il primo Ministro degli Esteri a visitare la Casa della Famiglia abramitica ad #AbuDhabi. Tre luogi di culto vicini che incoraggiano il dialogo interreligioso. Qui cristiani, mussulmani ed ebrei convivono nella tolleranza e nel rispetto reciproci.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Antonio_Tajani/status/1631673571016581121
Amazing to see the @abrahamicfh open its doors to #Jews, #Christians and #Muslims in #AbuDhabi and the next day @Astro_Alneyadi taking off for space! Faith and science come together in the interest of peace. Congratulations to the leaders and people of the #UAE!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nmladenov/status/1631186584786595840
#jews #christians #muslims #AbuDhabi #UAE
Ein wunderbarer und großer Erfolg der israelischen Außenpolitik. Ein Dienst an Freiheit und Frieden!
RT @IsraelinAustria: Zum ersten Mal seit fast 100 Jahren wurde wieder eine eigens gebaute Synagoge in der arabischen Welt eröffnet. Gestern fand in der neuen Moses-Ben-Maimon-Synagoge in #AbuDhabi der Eröffnungsgottesdienst statt. Sie ist Teil des #AbrahamicFamilyHouse☪️✡️✝️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/lukasmandl/status/1627653848784404480
#AbuDhabi #AbrahamicFamilyHouse
First service in the newly built Moses Ben Maimon #synagogue in #AbuDhabi #UAE. The @abrahamicfh is a symbol of #tollerance and acceptance in a region torn by divisions. It inspires all to show that #Jews, #Christians and #Muslims can work together for #peace. #AbrahamAccords
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nmladenov/status/1627359039175766016
#Synagogue #AbuDhabi #UAE #tollerance #jews #christians #muslims #peace #AbrahamAccords
Inspiring and humbling to see the @abrahamicfh open doors in #AbuDhabi. It is more than a symbol of #tolerance and acceptance for #Jews, #Christians and #Muslims, but a place for dialogue and reflection in the interest of peace and progress. Congratulations @MohamedBinZayed!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nmladenov/status/1626270058988072962
#AbuDhabi #tolerance #jews #christians #muslims
RT @dbk_online
#Bischof Bertram Meier (Vorsitzender der Kommission Weltkirche der #DBK) nahm am Samstag an der Verleihung des „Zayed Award for Human Fraternity“ in #AbuDhabi teil. Mehr Infos: https://bit.ly/3DD7SB1
RT @dbk_online
Am Internationalen Tag der menschlichen #Geschwisterlichkeit hat #Weltkirchebischof Meier mit dem Apostolischen Vikar für Süd-Arabien, Bischof Martinelli, und Bischof Hinder die Heilige Messe in der Kathedrale St. Joseph in #AbuDhabi gefeiert. Alle Infos: https://bit.ly/3JCMFLp
#AbuDhabi #weltkirchebischof #Geschwisterlichkeit
Okay ! Sowas habe ich noch nicht gesehen !
RT @emilykschrader@twitter.com
Incredibly moving performance at @Vouch4Eachother@twitter.com’s Holocaust memorial event in #AbuDhabi: 🇮🇱 Israeli Jewish singer @thenicoleraviv@twitter.com performs “Somewhere” w/ 🇦🇪 Emirati singer Ahmad Al Hosani
“Someday, Somewhere, We'll find a new way of living. We'll find a way of forgiving”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/emilykschrader/status/1619696833147682818
#UAE & #SouthKorea are innovative middle powers, whose partnership is based on strategic goals, argue Dr N Janardhan (@AGDAUAE) and Dr Park Hyondo (Sogang Euro-Mena Institute) in @gulf_news on the occasion of President Yoon Suk-yeol visit to #AbuDhabi https://tinyurl.com/4wepv394
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nmladenov/status/1614872093497393155
EU Executive Vice President @TimmermansEU & Commissioner @KadriSimson are visiting #AbuDhabi to participate in the @IRENA General Assembly & @ADSWagenda ahead of #COP28UAE.
Let's work together to tackle the climate crisis & achieve a sustainable future!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUintheUAE/status/1614187961356001282