Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
154 followers · 2369 posts · Server
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
933 followers · 1714 posts · Server

Yesterday in Labor History March 16, 1968: Up to 500 Vietnamese villagers were slaughtered by U.S. troops in the My Lai Massacre. The story was broken by investigative journalist Sy Hersch, who also covered Watergate, the secret US bombing of Cambodia, CIA domestic spying within the US, and the US torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. More recently, he has written articles showing that Syrian rebel forces, not the Assad regime, contrary to US propaganda, were responsible for the sarin gas attack in Ghouta. And that the US, with Norwegian collaboration, blew up the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany (also contrary to US propaganda).

#workingclass #LaborHistory #mylai #massacre #warcrimes #vietnam #seymourhersch #AbuGhraib #torture #Nordstream #sabotage #russia #putin #Watergate

Last updated 2 years ago

Bottega Del Barbieri · @bottegadelbarbieri
154 followers · 2865 posts · Server

USA: torturare e farla franca
L'Amministrazione Bush e il maltrattamento dei detenuti (un documento di Human Rights Watch)

George Tenet chiese se aveva il permesso di utilizzare tecniche di interrogatorio rinforzate,

.Bush (HumanRightsWatch) ’America

#tortura #statiunitid #hrw #Guantanamo #giustizia #GeorgeW #GeorgeTenet #donalDrumsfeld #DickCheney #AbuGhraib #articoli #labottegadelbarbieri #bottegadelbarbieri

Last updated 3 years ago

Steven Roose · @stevenroose
497 followers · 3906 posts · Server


is in Belmarsh because he exposed the crimes🇺🇸 🇬🇧govts are committing in our name. The horrors of , the destruction of & , the rampant that was . Don't let the war criminals win!

#julianassange #AbuGhraib #iraq #afghanistan #Islamophobia #Guantánamo #freeassange #weareallassange

Last updated 4 years ago