Sure, there are many different components of academic ethics.
Promoting Mussolini-Hitler governance, communications and human resources policies [modern jargon!] does not necessarily involve fabrication, falsification or plagiarism.
#AbiyAhmed plagiarised his PhD thesis and is co-responsible (with #IsaiasAferwerki) for the genocide of 10% of the Tigrayan population over a 2-year period, but the two are not directly related.
#AcademicEthics #tigrayangenocide #isaiasaferwerki #abiyahmed
1/2: Global Faculty Development might sound like a slogan or exaggeration of international outreach, but I learned from having such a position at Kansai University in Osaka from 2016-2020 that Global FD can have a specific and practical definition in a suitable context. Basically, Global FD means meeting the needs of non-native English-using faculty members in non-Western countries. Specific guidance could involve preparing teachers for English-medium (or other international language) instruction (particularly to classes with international students), giving presentations at international conferences, publishing journal papers, and other scholarly
tasks. Research findings: "Meeting Global Faculty Development Needs in Japan" at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330778631 or https://www.academia.edu/38264974
#FacultyDevelopment #GlobalFD #Osaka #Japan #EnglishMediumInstruction #AcademicStandards #AcademicEthics #AcademicLife #eLearning #OnlineEducation #AsianStudies #Japan #Bilingualism #ForeignLanguageTeaching
#ForeignLanguageTeaching #bilingualism #AsianStudies #onlineeducation #elearning #academiclife #AcademicEthics #AcademicStandards #EnglishMediumInstruction #japan #Osaka #GlobalFD #facultydevelopment