Which concepts do we use?
Whose voices do we highlight?
These are methodological questions we need to discuss.
Right now: Thought-provoking & articulate commentary on Aust/Demir-Gürsel (ed), 2021, The European Court of Human Rights: Current Challenges in Historical Perspective“ - by @silviasteininger. Panel hosted by the #LawAndSociety Institute, Humboldt University #Berlin.
For future (hybrid) events see -> https://www.rewi.hu-berlin.de/de/lf/oe/lsi/termine/the-european-court-of-human-rights-current-challenges-in-historical-perspective-panel-discussion-with-helmut-aust-esra-demir-guersel-and-others
#SocioLegalStudies #academicchatter #AcademicEvents #berlin #lawandsociety