I am stunned that a candidate in an interview decided to download, wholesale, a .ppt from a major database vendor and then present it as part of their teaching demonstration during the interview as if it was their own without telling the committee where it had come from. Absolutely flabbergasted. Do. Not. Do. This. Ever. By all means, share your discovery that those teaching aids exist, but do not pretend as if it's your own during an interview. #AcademicLibraries #AcademicLibrarians
#AcademicLibrarians #academiclibraries
‘there’s an opportunity for librarians here. Our training and experience puts us in a good position to deal with an increasingly more complex information environment.’
Do we need librarians now that we have ChatGPT?
#ai #ChatGPT #AcademicLibrarians #AcademicLibraries #DigitalLiteracy #DigitalSkills #InformationLiteracy
#ai #chatgpt #AcademicLibrarians #academiclibraries #digitalliteracy #digitalskills #informationliteracy
Oooo this #mlasla23 session on creating a research culture in #medlibs actually aligns with my research findings on research experiences of #AcademicLibrarians too! Recommends starting small, collaborating, and studying something relevant to you or your job. Also, admin support is essential- unfounded research mandates don’t work. Session presenter @hannahfnorton@twitter.com was great! (note: for some reason the “describe photo” button on the pics isn’t working, I’m sure it’s user fail, sorry!)
#mlasla23 #medlibs #AcademicLibrarians
Is it unreasonable to expect work assignments consistent with job description and changes to policies/procedures will be shared with those effected? #AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians. My social security record goes back to age 14 and I’ve never experienced anything like this.
#AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians
Is it unreasonable to expect work assignments consistent with dob description and changes to policies/procedures will be shared with those effected? #AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians. My social security record goes back to age 14 and I’ve never experienced anything like this.
#AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians
@Julie I hope we can migrate here! Would love to see all #librarians here #schoollibrarians #academiclibrarians here
#AcademicLibrarians #schoollibrarians #librarians
@philshapiro most efficient way to help them find libraryland.social instance is through hashtagging (I think) & boosting
#publiclibrarians, #academiclibrarians, #school #librarians, #archivists #libraries #library #librarylife etc.
#librarylife #library #libraries #archivists #librarians #school #AcademicLibrarians #publiclibrarians
Grading Annotated Bibliographies and I'm SUPER impressed with my students' research and citation skills. That library session really helped them. :ablobcatrave: Thank you #AcademicLibrarians #librarians !!! Faculty appreciate you! I am 100% doing library sessions for every class with a research paper from now on.
#AcademicLibrarians #librarians