In last night's dreams, I was back working in retail.
On, I'm sure, an unrelated note, I'm exhausted this morning.
Which is going to win today? The ambition and inspiration I found at the conference I attended last week or the depression and ambivalence of conference withdrawal that swarmed me as soon as I got home?
#academicmastodon #AcademicMentalHealth
Sometimes mentorship means swallowing your social anxiety so you can celebrate your students' accomplishments.
I confess that I hate that part of mentorship.
#AcademicMastodon #AcademicMentalHealth #SocialAnxiety #Anxiety #MentalHealth
#academicmastodon #AcademicMentalHealth #socialanxiety #anxiety #mentalhealth
I'm feeling a bit more like myself than I have in quite a while.
It won't last, of course, but at least for now it's nice.
#AcademicMentalHealth #grief #depression
Will this be a productive day? I have no idea. However, I did at least get in touch with Social Security about Mom's passing and canceled one of her subscriptions so, regardless of what else I might do, I can at least count those accomplishments.
#depression #grief #AcademicMentalHealth
Ugh! Today I just can't. My head is absolutely not in the game.
#AcademicMentalHealth #academicmastodon
I've resolved this week to attend to the necessary and the urgent. Anything beyond that is icing on the cake.
Class this morning went reasonably well. It wasn't my best lecture by a long shot, but it wasn't bad, either. Mostly, it just felt good to be back with students.
Now, I'm just staring at my desk, trying to remember what work needs to be done and how to do it.
Stressed and depressed but I'm pleased with this lil illustration I made for my dissertation methods section. Can't wait to be #PhDone lol.
#PhDone #phdlife #phdchat #AcademicMentalHealth
RT @StefanoZucca5
Power abuse in #academia has many forms.
A word, an attitude, even just an email reply.
Hiring you or offering you a #PhD position do not give them the rights to #bully you.
#AcademicMentalHealth #AcademicChatter @PhDVoice @PostdocVoice #AcademicTwitter
#academia #phd #bully #AcademicMentalHealth #academicchatter #academictwitter
RT @DragonflyMH
When does situational or occupational stress become detrimental?
"Basics of Burnout" is a 1-hour seminar and facilitated discussion which defines the core components of burnout and more topics.
#powerabuseinacademia #AcademicMentalHealth
Sharing this for anyone who needs to name it:
Academic bullying is real. 💔
#academicbullying #AcademicMentalHealth
Maybe now is a good time to update your work email signature and add your work boundaries #Work #Wellbeing #HigherEd #AcademicMentalHealth #NewYear
#newyear #AcademicMentalHealth #highered #wellbeing #work
Started with a mindful planning (and reflection) #PowetHourOfWriting today and I really like the Making it happen Worksheet form the Blurt Foundation (part of their downloadable tools) #MentalHealth #AcademicMentalHealth
#AcademicMentalHealth #mentalhealth #powethourofwriting
This forthcoming JEL looks interesting + important! #AcademicMentalHealth
I am in constant battle. It takes time from my research that I am passionate about. It is exhausting and makes me one step closer to say goodbye to academia. You know, I have been rejected from some applications because they preferred someone more native. So, why bother?
#AcademicChatter #AcademicMentalHealth #phdchat #DiversityInSTEM
#DiversityInSTEM #phdchat #AcademicMentalHealth #academicchatter
Seeing @OmidVEbrahimi 's post ( made me want to bring up the conversation that I tried to had on Twitter about a more realistic experience of being a PhD student in Europe as a non-European
see the twitter post (
I'd like to take this opportunity to expand what other difficulties I experienced as a researcher just because I wasn't priviliged enough to born in Europe.
#DiversityInSTEM #AcademicChatter #EDI #AcademicMentalHealth
#AcademicMentalHealth #edi #academicchatter #DiversityInSTEM
I have just finished reading "Managing Your Mental Health During Your PhD — A Survival Guide" by Zoë J. Ayres (@Zjayres) and found it to provide an empathetic, authoritative and practical guide to managing mental health that is contextualised to the experience of a PhD student.
My review is online here:
#wellbeing #research #phd #AcademicMentalHealth
💫 "Not another yoga session." 💫
This chapter title stopped me in my tracks. It captures exactly how I feel about many efforts to support #mentalhealth of #PhD students in #academia. Efforts that mean well, but fail to address core causes of high #burnout & depression rates in #graduateschool.
So, although I do love yoga, I could NOT agree more.
Just discovered & cannot wait to read the whole book by @Zjayres 👉
#phdlife #AcademicChatter #AcademicMentalHealth #phdchat
#mentalhealth #phd #academia #burnout #graduateschool #phdlife #academicchatter #AcademicMentalHealth #phdchat
Hi #ScienceMastodon, I followed @TatianaIlyina and decided to give this a try!
I work on climate - carbon cycle interactions using satellites 🛰️ and models 💻. Interested in climate variability 🌬️, extreme events 🌡️ 🌧️ , forests🌲 and disturbances 🔥 🐛 . Care about #AcademicMentalHealth and #AcademicDiversity a great deal. Have two cats and too many hobbies.
#academicdiversity #AcademicMentalHealth #ScienceMastodon