Hey, I'm now a fosstodon.org person - mastodon.scot was a great server, but I mainly used Twitter as a work vehicle and I think I'm better off treating the fediverse in the same way. I am really interested in #ResearchMethods #OpenScience #OpenEducation, and recently I've gotten very passionate about #AcademicParenting In my spare time, such as there is, I'm a big crafter and also enjoy #writing fiction. #introduction
#researchmethods #openscience #openeducation #AcademicParenting #writing #introduction
It was so predictable.
I blocked a whole week for writing, everything went well, and then my child got sick. Again. I’m so tired of this. 🥴🤮🤒
But also: hooray for having supportive parents-in-law!!! 🥳
#Momademia #AcademicParenting #AcademicMums #academicmamas
Wegen der Novelle des #WissZeitVG würde ich gerne jetzt schon streiken. Da morgen der Kindergarten wieder wegen eines #Streik|s geschlossen ist, berechtigerterweise, komme ich ohnehin nicht zum arbeiten. Also, #Solidarität mit allen #Streikenden, überall.
#AcademicParenting #streikenden #solidaritat #streik #WissZeitVG
I somehow managed to (re)write 1.600 words yesterday despite 7yo's audiobooks on repeat as background noise (and not all of them are bad). If I manage to do the same today I might finally finish something that should have been finished MONTHS ago, so fingers crossed! #AcademicParenting #AmWriting
Frantically trying to get some writing done while 7yo is telling her toys that "at least YOU always have time for me" (insert side-eye in direction of working mum). She knows which buttons to push. #AmWriting #AcademicParenting
Literally one of the best moments in the life of a bookish mum: when kids learn how to read. Yesterday 7yo VERY seriously worked her way through two chapters of a book she has borrowed from school library & it was the cutest (also: school libraries ftw!). #AcademicParenting
Hi - if you’re just back from parental leave and there would a writing/research retreat would you bring your child if that’s an option? #AcademicParenting #AcademicChatter #AcademicParent @academicchatter
#academicparent #academicchatter #AcademicParenting
Call me mother of dragon(s). Also: it's not dark anymore for the school run! #AcademicParenting
Current status in long distance commuting & #AcademicParenting: every Thursday morning when I'm back home 7yo finds sth (anything, really) to cry about. I'm neither complaining nor looking for advice, it's her way of dealing with me being gone for part of the week. It's just a lot of tears.
7yo accidentally spilled some glitter (who am I kidding: lots). This means I will now find glitter EVERYWHERE for the next 2 years or so. There goes my professionalism, guess I will be known as "the prof who sparkles" (not in a sexy vampire sense of the word). #AcademicParenting
Our little one is currently obsessed with these two books, demanding that we keep reading them again and again 😂 This is ok with me though as they are both great kids books IMO
Me to teen: “Are you watching a YouTube reaction video to a previous reaction video of another reaction video? That’s ridiculous.”
Also me: “I’d like to submit this commentary in response to your editorial on my original article, which you reviewed four times.”
#academiclife #AcademicParenting
If any other academic parents / caregivers are juggling long-deferred research tasks with childcare during winter break and looking for a fun movie to, um, occupy their charges, or if you’re looking for something to enjoy with them, I recommend *The Mitchells vs The Machines.* #AcademicParenting #parenting #movies
#AcademicParenting #parenting #movies
If any other academic parents / caregivers of are juggling long-deferred research tasks with childcare during winter break and looking for a fun movie to, um, occupy their charges, or if you’re looking for something to enjoy with them, I recommend *The Mitchells vs The Machines.* #AcademicParenting #parenting #movies
#AcademicParenting #parenting #movies
7yo & me have been up for a while and I really need to get some work done. I'll definitely regret this later, won't I? #AcademicParenting
My last #AcademicWeek before Christmas is online (as a 'safety bubble' before the holidays). Oh, the delight of 7yo when I could do the school run, ON A MONDAY! #AcademicParenting
Now off to record my lecture, then planning a mixture of asynchronous & Zoom elements f/ seminars this week.
#academicweek #AcademicParenting
My 11 year old son turns to me this morning and asks, “Do you believe in aliens and, if so, do you think they also have racism where they live?” I . . . 👽 #kidssay #parenting #academicparenting
#kidssay #parenting #AcademicParenting
Yes, there are presents for the kids' boots so that my partner does not have to prepare anything while I'm away. But somehow St Nicholas has left not even the tiniest thing for me, propably because my own boots are stuck inside a hotel room? Harsh. #AcademicParenting #ItinerantAcademic
#AcademicParenting #itinerantacademic
I am ready to admit that we have overdone the advent thing this year (the kids would disagree, of course) - this is what happens when the love language of your whole extended family is advent calendars. I hope everyone is enjoying their advent surprises! #AcademicParenting