Faculty at the University of Illinois - Chicago are on strike. Please sign the petition to their chancellor: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-uic-fair-faculty-contract-now-public?source=direct_link& #Strike #Unions #HigherEd #AcademicWorkers #FairContracts @AFTUnion #UIC
#strike #unions #HigherEd #AcademicWorkers #faircontracts #UIC
Let’s continue this wave of activism on college campuses to improve our working conditions #Unionize #Unions #Solidarity #AcademicWorkers #HigherEd #WorkersRights https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/university-california-strike-adjuncts/
#unionize #unions #solidarity #AcademicWorkers #HigherEd #workersrights
Around the world, students and staff are protesting low-salaries, heavy workloads leading to overwork and burnout, job insecurity, pay-cuts, neo-managerial evaluation and the climate of fierce competition in third-party funding for research projects.
for most #academicworkers #academia is unstable work.
#AcademicWorkers #academia #switzerland
Academic workers deserve livable wages and fair working conditions, including multi-year contracts #Union #UnionStrong #Labor #Academia #AcademicWorkers #AcademicChatter #Adjuncts #ContingentFaculty #OneYearisNotaCareer #UCWArizona #CWA
Read: https://kjzz.org/content/1833192/asu-ua-workers-petition-schools-thriving-wages-better-job-security
Support: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/ucwaz-contingentfacultycampaign
#union #unionstrong #labor #academia #AcademicWorkers #AcademicChatter #adjuncts #contingentfaculty #oneyearisnotacareer #ucwarizona #cwa
Just read the email: with 89.4% of YES votes, postdocs at UC have agreed to ratify the tentative agreement for the new contract!
It’s definitely not the perfect contract (it’s the result of a compromise, after all) but it’s a big improvement over the status quo. Now I wish to see similar results for my grad student colleagues!
I’m glad I was (a small) part of this strike, and I hope this will lead the way for other institutions and ultimately bring real change to the system!
#fairUCnow #AcademicWorkers #AcademicStrike #UCstrike #postdoc
#fairUCnow #AcademicWorkers #academicstrike #postdoc #ucstrike
@davehb Show #Solidarity with #AcademicWorkers on either side of the globe by signing their petitions: #UCUstrike in the UK https://www.ucu.org.uk/supportthestrikes and #fairUCnow in the USA https://act.aflcio.org/petitions/show-your-support-for-academic-workers-at-university-of-california?source=direct_link&fbclid=IwAR0xCAsTpR6JmeV5rFfLjdqqAr_xT6zvxoLvG6lBUZXZjBQ_2DB4OD5l1Xc&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
#solidarity #AcademicWorkers #ucustrike #fairUCnow
@acababble #Solidarity to my fellow #AcademicWorkers in the UK: we all fight for the same rights of fair wages and living conditions #UCUstrike #FairUCnow #UnionStrong
#solidarity #AcademicWorkers #ucustrike #fairUCnow #unionstrong
The largest #Strike in #HigherEd history is happening right now and sets an expectation of fair wages for all #AcademicWorkers #UnionStrong #Solidarity #UAWonstrike #FairUCnow https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/largest-strike-higher-ed-uc
#strike #HigherEd #AcademicWorkers #unionstrong #solidarity #uawonstrike #fairUCnow
For all of his talk about big corporations taking advantage of workers and the need for unions, Robert Reich is silent about #AcademicWorkers, especially #UAWonStrike for #FairUCNow - where he works.
#AcademicWorkers #UAWonStrike #fairUCnow
With #UCAFT comrades at the #FairUCNow #UAWonStrike undergraduate solidarity rally at the Campanile. The solidarity is beautiful and joyful. Here’s to fair contracts for #AcademicWorkers!
#UCAFT #fairUCnow #UAWonStrike #AcademicWorkers
The University of California graduate student workers go on #strike Monday. I'm inspired by 48,000 academic workers pushing for fair pay. The UC depends on these workers to meet its mission statement: to educate the people of the State of California.
I've cancelled my undergraduate course this week to respect the picket. On Tuesday, I will offer a teach-in on the strike instead.
There are two important links for Senate Faculty to examine by Monday:
1. This FAQ put out by the Council of UC Faculty Associations, which describes various measures you can take to meaningfully support striking #UAW #academicworkers.
2. Faculty Resources for the Strike. Use this document to think about how you can support the strikers, and check out the fantastic teach-in materials linked within!
#graduatestudents #histodons #universityofcalifornia #AcademicWorkers #uaw #strike
Happy to hear thar #CUPE3912 have reached a tentative agreement with #Dalhousie as of this 21st day of their strike action. More info on their website: cupe3912.ca
#CUPE3912 #Dalhousie #solidarity #AcademicWorkers
If you're looking for ways to support the looming #AcademicWorkers strike at UC with #UAW2865 #UAW5810 and #SRUUAW - they provide lots of opportunities including donating to their strike fund. https://www.fairucnow.org/support/ #FairUCNow
#AcademicWorkers #UAW2865 #UAW5810 #SRUUAW #fairUCnow
Hey #UCAFT members - check out our UAW Strike Solidarity Guidance: https://ucaft.org/content/uaw-strike-solidarity-guidance
It covers what we can and cannot do while under contract, and has advice for navigating the potential strike from a position of solidarity.
#SolidarityForever #DontScab #AcademicWorkers
#UCAFT #solidarityforever #DontScab #AcademicWorkers
36,558 UC grad students, post docs, and researchers voted to go on strike. A really powerful statement and a testament to organizing. This is huge for #AcademicWorkers. https://twitter.com/CaliforniaLabor/status/1588026210558394370?s=20&t=HURvd19dE97Utl4V0X4N6g