RT @jeanmicheljarre: #Festival de Cannes 2023 The #VR is at the crossroads of cinema, theater & video games. #CNC #academyawards https://t.co/bL7f85hrky
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/laurencefarreng/status/1659519329958764547
#festival #vr #cnc #AcademyAwards
Have I gotten too cynical? My gut reaction to #AngelaBassett not winning the #oscar was: „So, the academy had to give so many awards to non-americans because most of the actors in the best movie were non-americans, they felt inclined to give the award to a white woman in said film to even things out.“
No fault of #JamieLeeCurtis, but Bassett’s performance HAD to win the award, it was #breathtaking.
#angelabassett #oscar #jamieleecurtis #breathtaking #AcademyAwards #oscars
For the first time in a long time (maybe ever?), I'm actually excited about the #AcademyAwards! Congratulations to #MichelleYeoh, #JamieLeeCurtis, #KeHuyQuan, and everyone who made #EverywhereAllAtOnce a mainstream success!
#AcademyAwards #MichelleYeoh #jamieleecurtis #kehuyquan #everywhereallatonce
RT @twittschler: #ImWestenNichtsNeues gewinnt vier #AcademyAwards - und ist damit der erfolgreichste deutsche Film! - Privat finanziert - ohne #Filmförderung und ohne #Staatsfunk.
Das ist eigentlich alles, was man über die deutsche Filmförderung wissen muss. :D
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Beatrix_vStorch/status/1635257093258354689
#imwestennichtsneues #AcademyAwards #Filmförderung #Staatsfunk #oscar
Hay que ser vanidosa y egoista para llevar esto y dejártelo puesto en la platea de un teatro. #Oscar2023
RT @AyalTusia: And the winner for the most selfish and inconsiderate outfit goes to...
#Oscars #Oscars2023 #AcademyAwards
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/iguardans/status/1635110821289431040
#Oscar2023 #Oscars #Oscars2023 #AcademyAwards
So, dann mal auf in die #OscarNacht.
#oscarnacht #Oscars #oscars2023 #AcademyAwards
Kann ein Sci-Fi-Film dieses Jahr endlich den Award für den besten Film bei den Oscars abgrasen?
#Oscars #oscartipp #AcademyAwards
May 16, 1929 witnessed the first Academy Awards. The winners, from movies released in 1927 and 1928, were known well in advance. There was little fanfare and little media attention as the winners were announced:
Best Production: Wings
Best Artistic Quality: Sunrise
Best Actor: Emil Jannings
Best Actress: Janet Gaynor
Best Director: Frank Borzage
#1920s #AcademyAwards #hollywood #movies
#Actor #SacheenLittlefeather reads the #Oscar's #speech for #MarlonBrando she wasn't allowed to give
In 2018, Ms Littlefeather read the full speech on the radio.
At the 1973 #AcademyAwards, Native American actress stepped in to turn down the Oscar for Marlon Brando. She only had 60 seconds and was not able to read her...
#actor #SacheenLittlefeather #Oscar #speech #marlonbrando #film #Oscars1973 #firstnations #indigenous #AcademyAwards
With finalists nominated for #AcademyAwards #Oscars & winning @Festival_Cannes prizes, #luxaward helps European film break language & distribution barriers, promoting cultural diversity
@EPCulture @sabineverheyen @romeofranz1 @Dace_Melbarde @negrescuvictor
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1534472300543852544
#AcademyAwards #Oscars #LuxAward
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
.@ArianaDeBose, #AndrewGarfield, @Lin_Manuel, @WestSideMovie, @ticktickboom, and more were nominated for #AcademyAwards last week! See the full list of nominees here.
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/BroadwayWorld/status/1493208821245919235
#BroadwayWorld #andrewgarfield #AcademyAwards #theater
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
.@ArianaDeBose, #AndrewGarfield, @Lin_Manuel, @WestSideMovie, @ticktickboom, and more were nominated for #AcademyAwards this morning! See the full list of nominees here.
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/BroadwayWorld/status/1491185395530452994
#BroadwayWorld #andrewgarfield #AcademyAwards #theater
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
.@ArianaDeBose, #AndrewGarfield, @Lin_Manuel, @WestSideMovie, @ticktickboom, and more were nominated for #AcademyAwards this morning! See the full list of nominees here.
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/BroadwayWorld/status/1491048172352950272
#BroadwayWorld #andrewgarfield #AcademyAwards #theater