Media in Ukraine one year since the invasion: "The whole world was relying on factual regional information"
#DWAkademie #mediaviability #BMZ #Ukraine #journalism #mediadevelopment #MediaResilience #war #accesstoinformation #humanrights #Ukrainewar
#UkraineWar #humanrights #AccessToInformation #war #mediaresilience #mediadevelopment #journalism #Ukraine #bmz #mediaviability #DWAkademie
MediaFit Ukraine: "We were the only Ukrainian media left in the occupied territory"
#mediaviability #Ukraine #DWAkademie #Ukrainewar #MediaResilience #warreporting #mediabusiness #accesstoinformation
#AccessToInformation #Mediabusiness #warreporting #mediaresilience #UkraineWar #DWAkademie #Ukraine #mediaviability
Armenia: A network of reporters focusing on remote village life
#DWAkademie #Armenia #mediadevelopment #communityjournalism #communitymedia #Azerbaijan #borderregion #accesstoinformation #localjournalism
#localjournalism #AccessToInformation #borderregion #azerbaijan #communitymedia #communityjournalism #mediadevelopment #armenia #DWAkademie
Watching the History of Swear Words with the 10 year old. What could go wrong? #AccessToInformation
@coret Dank voor het delen. Had zonder echt na te denken en zonder iets te verwachten de naam van mijn oma's familie ingetikt en heel onverwachts een paar treffer gekregen. Nu ben ik echt nieuwsgierig of die personen daadwerkelijk familie zijn en zo ja waarom de inlichtingendienst interesse in ze had. Super spannend. Wordt vervolgd... #Geschiedenis #Familiegeschiedenis #Inlichtingendienst #AccessToInformation #OpenArchiv
#geschiedenis #familiegeschiedenis #inlichtingendienst #AccessToInformation #openarchiv
Here I am then :mastodon: . #introduction Sussex-based socio-legal researcher and senior lecturer, focussed on #accesstoinformation #mediaregulation #datagovernance #publicinterestjournalism, with a special interest in #justicedatamatters #openjustice #accesstojustice and justice system accountability / transparency / privacy @seethrujustice Also: migration and sanctuary rights @brightonsanct & more here: /
#publicinterestjournalism #datagovernance #mediaregulation #AccessToInformation #accesstojustice #introduction #openjustice #justicedatamatters
Another part of my intro, some of my interests:
#art (I am married to @TomAschenbach an #artist!) specifically #drawn #LineArt
#truecrime #fossils #archeology #humanrights #freespeech #prochoice #AccessToInformation #feminism #workerrights #laborunions #urbanplanning #storytelling #mythology #folklore #pizza #lineart #drawn #artist #art
Happy International Day for Universal #AccessToInformation
The art. 15 of the TFEU enshrines the principle of Transparency, that requires the EU to disclose information on policy-making and to uphold the principle of #freedom of #information
#AccessToInformation #freedom #information #IDUAI
RT @EURLex: Happy International Day for Universal #AccessToInformation
The art. 15 of the TFEU enshrines the principle of Transparency, that requires the EU to disclose information on policy-making and to uphold the principle of #freedom of #information
#AccessToInformation #freedom #information #IDUAI
"... Das #Recht auf #Information ist ein #Menschenrecht.
Fordert eure Rechte ein und nutzt sie. ..."
Die #Bürger und #Wähler haben der #Politik im #Vertrauen ihre #Stimme gegeben.
Im Gegenzug fordern sie #Transparenz, #Ehrlichkeit und #Treue.
#Intransparenz und #Unehrlichkeit in der Politik können #Korruption und #Untreue suggerieren.
Das gilt auch im #Sauerland, das gilt auch in #Olsberg.
#recht #Information #Menschenrecht #Bürger #Wähler #politik #Vertrauen #Stimme #transparenz #Ehrlichkeit #Treue #Intransparenz #Unehrlichkeit #Korruption #Untreue #sauerland #Olsberg #AccessToInfo #AccessToInfoDay #AccessToInformation