@mos_8502 Personally, I'd use only Ubuntu Mono or similar but neurotypicals will go apeshit on #monospaced fonts so I think #OpenDyslexic and other #accessibility-optimized fonts would be great...
Also one would likely need a font with all the #unicode characters in cuz otherwise CJKTI* - languaged people will rage about this decision when there's no legitimate reason for it.
And lastly if one adds in @libreoffice one has a pretty substantial collection of fonts.
#unicode #Accessibility #openDyslexic #monospaced
@jcsteh @devinprater Granted, #accessibility on #macOS depends on the used application and native tools like Safari, Apple Mail and macOS on it's own do a lot of that very well, but then again it depends on one's workflows and what they want to use and do.
Ideally, everything would be 100% accessible...
@devinprater @jcsteh @ubuntu Yeah, I've to agree on that one....
#Apple's #macOS and #iOS really do #Accessibility well AFAICT...
Tho some people may even prefer command line tools like lynx browser since that works well with their screenreaders and braille screens...
Also sorry for me not properly reading you bio...
#Accessibility #iOS #macOS #Apple
@futurebird It's just like the company highlighted at an #accessibility event claiming that disabled people were not a part of their "target population" when it came to making their web site fully accessible.
With BeMyAI and Lookout on the rise and existing services like Seeing AI and Envision being out there, it seems like a lot of #blind people are trying to become familiar with phone cameras and their interfaces. There are a lot of questions about camera positioning--e.g., how to point, how to stand, what will be covered, etc.
Would it be helpful to have an article or an audio tutorial that covers these topics?
#description #accessibility #a11y #photography #photos
#Photos #Photography #a11y #Accessibility #description #blind
Great opportunity.
Open position! #W3C #WAI is seeking a full-time #Accessibility Specialist to work on digital accessibility standards and supporting materials. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the vision of an accessible digital future.
#a11y #wcag #hiring #jobposting
#jobposting #Hiring #wcag #a11y #Accessibility #wai #w3c
Email: Just one dollar unlocks unlimited number of courses.
*Opens email.*
Screen reader: "blank." graphic
@NVAccess posted:
In-Process 8th September 2023
Many people talk about #Accessibility in Gaming...but how many times did you think about Left handed people?
In two weeks on #A11yTalks, “The Human Side of Neurodivergence - A Technologist's Journey” with @Creech
Sept 20th, 12PM (ET)
#Accessibility #a11y #a11ytalks
I tried to convince colleagues to ditch their home page carousel for years; we're way beyond debating these, I think, plus it had #accessibility issues.
They didn't delete it until somebody forgot to pay for the plugin renewal and it locked every page in their website so that they couldn't edit any content.
#a11y #WordPress #Accessibility
RIP, RIP, RIP, RIP, Molly Holzschlag. I had one of my absolutely favorite and the most memorable evenings, going on to the middle of the night, discussions at a CSUN conference with her. #Accessibility and the web has lost an incredible human being. I wish I would have been able to help her more during her health struggles during the latter part of her life than I did.
IN case you didn't know, Google's Lookout app is now updated. It will provide better #photo #descriptions and will be able to anser questions based on photos. The updated app may only be available for Pixel phones for now. I'm not sure about this particular fact though.
#lookout #Android #a11y #Accessibility #descriptions #Photo
I don't want to be the guy who always mocks things. But "The Next Big Thing" from FreedomScientific deserves to be mocked.
I have a feeling a lot of people involved in #Accessibility—especially if you do #WebDev—will enjoy this episode of The Allusionist about translating scientific terms into Navajo.
I've been too lazy or just content enough to work with Windows Explorer until now. But I seriously need to look for an alternative. The amount of fuckery that Microsoft has done with this app in Windows 11 is just mind-boggling. None of it needed to happen. One more crash and it's gone! it should be in the next 10 minutes.
Accessible alternative recommendations welcome.
It's good to have a start to #Caturday with a few described cat #photos. Keep those coming for those of us who'll need them throughout the day. It seemed like there were only a few of them last week.
#Photo descriptions are important for those of us who can't see. We want to enjoy them too. Not only that, we want to see what brings you joy or everything else. So help as much as you can. If you aren't able to write descriptions, use the #Alt4Me hashtag and kind souls will help.
#Accessibility #alt4me #Photo #Photos #Caturday
Far too many #websites and #applications are designed and implemented by 20- or 30-somethings with no #vision issues, or any sort of #accessibility issue. Elements you need to click with nearly pixel-precision when you have fine motor control problems or alternative input devices, #dark modes with spider-thin light grey text on a black background, designers picking #fonts that render 3mm high on a screen, on and on.
#Websites #applications #vision #Accessibility #dark #fonts #test #users