#introduction for new server. I moved my anarchist account and I hope this will be the last time. :)
I'm Aidan -- nickname Bird, hence my screenname here: TheBird.
I am a #nonbinary, #queer, #disabled #ScienceFiction #writer. I have #LongCovid, and it sucks. I am still working on diagnoses for other possible chronic illnesses.
I have a second account at Aaidanbird@disabled.social, where I focus on needs of that community there.
Interests: #Anarchism #CommunityCare #MutualAid #Justice #DisabilityJustice, #Antiracism, #LGBTQIA #Accessibility
#CityDesign #WalkableCity #AccessibleCity
#gaming, #GameDesign, #writing #poetry #cartography, #physics, #astronomy, #worldbuilding, #music, #cats, and #art. I draw #maps.
My Elivera world, of which most of my writings are set, is located here: http://www.worldanvil.com/w/elivera3A-the-lost-ones-aidanbird
My Elivera world is a solarpunk world, where I explore various #AntiCapitalist ways of existing. Capitalism has never existed on Elivera and will never exist. A lot of the "nations" of Elivera are run by horizontal democracy and are experiments with collectives (some anarchist in bent and others experiments with communist approach to society).
I keep a database of saved #Covid studies and articles. I update it 2x a month. It's on #notion. I set it up with tags. Link: https://bit.ly/AidansCovidDatabase
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #AirFilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed
I have a SUPER FLUFFY cat named Sgt. Quark Amaya McFluffers. He's my little buddy.
And that's about it. I'm not new to Mastodon by the way. I'm just posting this so I can pin it for others to see.
#introduction #nonbinary #queer #disabled #sciencefiction #writer #LongCovid #anarchism #communitycare #mutualaid #justice #DisabilityJustice #antiracism #lgbtqia #accessibility #citydesign #walkablecity #AccessibleCity #gaming #gamedesign #writing #poetry #cartography #physics #astronomy #worldbuilding #music #cats #art #maps #anticapitalist #covid #Notion #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #airfilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed
I feel like there's a basic misunderstanding as to what accessibility is. This is likely because it is a complex topic covering a lot of spaces within society.
How we exist within a community is all rooted in access to various aspects of that community. Abled-bodied people already have accessibility for most of their needs, so they don't have to ask for me. Yet at the same time, some societal systems are hostile even to abled-bodied folks! Accessibility design breaks down those harmful systems to create systems and spaces for all to exist, participate, and thrive.
Accessibility has multiple layers (often called spaces) and which access tools are used depends on what is needed for the situation.
Physical space encompasses how we navigate the environment in-person. Examples is ramps, well-kept walkways with no trip hazards, doors that open with push of button, rooms set up with easy to roll/walk down pathways. This is often what most people think of when they see the term accessibility.
Information space encompasses how we obtain, retain, and access information virtually or in-person. Captions, transcripts, high contrast options, color blindness options, image descriptions, etc are in this realm. This is often neglected, but it's one of the most crucial access needs so that we all have the ability to take in and process the information being shared.
Transportation space encompasses how we move from point A to point B and vice versa. It involves public transportation access (that includes wheelchair access), open street concepts, affordability of car or alternate transportation, affordability of ambulances.
Sensory space encompasses how we sense the world around us. This is perhaps the most forgotten part of accessibility I've noticed. For example, having affordable food options for food intolerances or allergies, creating no-heavy-fragrance zones to avoid triggering allergies or chronic symptoms, having a space to recover from sensory burn-out at events, etc.
Community Space is how we relate/interact with one another. Uplifting/boosting the voices of our most vulnerable. Making sure community areas are accessible in all spaces. Sharing stories in accessible ways with one another. Listening and doing conflict resolution together that meets the access needs of all involved. Moderation and creation of safer spaces is part of this too.
Justice Space is how we organize together. This also overlaps with all of the above. Making sure everyone has a voice, especially those most affected, and that they are included in decision-making processes. Organizing access to affordable housing, food, clean water, and walkability/rollability of shared environments. Organizing for liveable wages and financial assistance. Justice space requires designing and implementing these types of initiatives with embedded access tools and methods, so that no one is left behind or neglected.
There is likely other spaces of accessibility that exist beyond what I covered here.
I mostly want to get people thinking about all the ways they interact in the world - physical, digital, relational, organizational, etc. -- and think about what was needed for that to happen.
Expanding accessibility in all avenues of society brings us closer to a more equitable, equal, diverse, inclusive, and just society. We cannot ever have such a society if we do not design access from the get-go in our community building and organizing.
If y'all would like me to talk more about any of this, or want me to dig deeper into ways we can design access together, let me know. I love to write about it.
I also got a lot of good book recommendations! There's so many great authors out there talking about this and getting published too! I'll post some later. :)
#Accessibility #AccessibleDesign #AccessibleCity #DisabilityJustice #Disabled #NothingForUsWithoutUs #Equity #Justice
@disabilityjustice DisabililtyJustice@chirp.social
#accessibility #accessibledesign #AccessibleCity #DisabilityJustice #disabled #nothingforuswithoutus #equity #justice
I'm Aidan -- nickname Bird, hence my screenname here: TheBird.
I am a #nonbinary, #queer, #disabled #sciencefiction #writer. I have #LongCovid, and it sucks. I am still working on diagnoses for other possible #chronicillness. If you wanna follow my writings on disability and the intersection of my other interests with disability, I will post more of those on my Aaidanbird@disabled.social. (For longer essays on it, I may post them here when they intersect with community building, justice, collectives, and anarchism.)
Interests: #Anarchism #CommunityCare #MutualAid #AnarchistCollective #Justice #DisabilityJustice, #SocialJustice, #Antiracism, #LGBTQIA #Accessibility
#CityDesign #WalkableCity #AccessibleCity
#gaming, #gamedesign, #writing #poetry #cartography, #physics, #astronomy, #worldbuilding, #music, #cats, and #art. I draw #maps.
My Elivera world, of which most of my writings are set, is located here: http://www.worldanvil.com/w/elivera3A-the-lost-ones-aidanbird
Important Note about my Elivera World: It's a solarpunk world, where I explore various #AntiCapitalist ways of existing. Capitalism has never existed on Elivera and will never exist. A lot of the "nations" of Elivera are run by horizontal democracy and are experiments with collectives (some anarchist in bent and others experiments with communist approach to society).
I keep a database of saved #Covid studies and articles. I update it weekly. I did have a few folks helping, but we all got #LongCovid, so it's down to just me again. It's on #notion. I set it up with tags. Link: https://bit.ly/AidansCovidDatabase
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #AirFilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed #Disability #Science #Pandemic
P.S. If you want to help, I'll need to vet you first. Feel free to share and let me know if there's some newer articles/studies you'd like to see saved here.
Other Important notes: I'll never shut up about #Covid. It's a #justice and #access issue. Please #maskup as this is airborne (plus masking will decrease chances of catching other airborne diseases and decrease allergens). Please push for #CRBox and other #AirFilter devices to be placed in all interior spaces. If we work together in solidarity, we really can push back this disease and slow (if not stop) the mass death and disablement that is currently happening!
Mask up and stay safe friends. Thanks for reading.
#Introduction #nonbinary #queer #disabled #sciencefiction #writer #LongCovid #chronicillness #anarchism #communitycare #MutualAid #anarchistcollective #justice #DisabilityJustice #socialjustice #antiracism #lgbtqia #accessibility #citydesign #walkablecity #AccessibleCity #gaming #gamedesign #writing #poetry #cartography #physics #astronomy #worldbuilding #Music #cats #Art #maps #anticapitalist #covid #notion #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #airfilter #MasksAreAnAccessNeed #disability #science #pandemic #access #crbox