"They haven't even been to medical school!" Having suffered a #car #accident in my youth, I still frequent a #chiropractor. Sadly I hear the same retorts of ignorance as when mentioning a visit to a nutritionist. Welcome to ~ Two Minutes of Reality ~
Nutrition: They Haven't Even Been To Medical School
Website in bio!
#car #Accident #chiropractor #nutrition #medical #doctors #health #stanford
Have you ever accidentally fit background music perfectly to the action of video footage?
I did that… 😁
#Stluciapotter #pottery #pottersofMasto #choreography #fluke #accident #ceramics #Willow #meetmeatourspot
#stluciapotter #pottery #pottersofmasto #choreography #fluke #Accident #ceramics #Willow #meetmeatourspot
@mshore @BrentToderian surely the speed of the #vehicle that hit the #bear first was a factor in the overall #accident 😹
RT @carconducteur@twitter.com
#TrouvéSurLeWeb #Facebook #Accident #Bus #Car #TCL
Audi VS Iveco...
Audi 0 - Iveco 1
Rassurez-vous le bus, lui, est bien reparti sans dépanneuse.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/carconducteur/status/1312323015422640129
#tcl #car #bus #Accident #facebook #TrouvéSurLeWeb