The word for Day 28 in English then Māori of #Museum30 #Walls #Pātū
If the walls of the Eastern Bush Hotel could talk, they would sure tell some stories! See more in our Central and Western Murihiku Southland Archive here:
#History #Heritage #Aotearoa #NZ #GLAM #Museums #Archives #digipres #Ōtautau #Murihiku #Southland #Farming #AccommodationHouse
#Waiau #MouatFamily
#CommunityCollaboration #Homes #Whare #RuralNZ #AgricultureHistory #Hotel
#CentralAndWesternArchive #hotel #AgricultureHistory #RuralNZ #Whare #homes #CommunityCollaboration #MouatFamily #Waiau #AccommodationHouse #farming #Southland #Murihiku #Ōtautau #digipres #archives #museums #glam #nz #aotearoa #heritage #history #Pātū #walls #Museum30
#Museum30 Day4 Today's topic is #Record or #Mauhanga in Māori #NZTwits #Aotearoa #History #Murihiku #Southland #NZ
#Waiau #Ōtautau #Archives
#CentralWesternSouthland #GLAM #CommunityHistory #digipres
Record or mauhanga from the #EasternBush #Store #PostOffice #AccommodationHouse in the #WaiauDistrict, part of our local Central & Western heritage collection, digitised by the Central & Western Murihiku Southland Archive. Check out the history of these early buildings here:
#WaiauDistrict #AccommodationHouse #postoffice #store #EasternBush #digipres #CommunityHistory #glam #CentralWesternSouthland #archives #Ōtautau #Waiau #nz #Southland #Murihiku #history #aotearoa #nztwits #Mauhanga #record #Museum30
#Museum30 Day3 Today's topic is #Fragment or #Ngota in Māori #NZTwits #Aotearoa #History #Murihiku #Southland #NZ
#Waiau #Ōtautau #Archives
#CentralWesternSouthland #GLAM #CommunityHistory #digipres
Photo of the only fragment or ngota left of the #EasternBush #AccommodationHouse in the #WaiauDistrict, part of our local Central & Western heritage collection, digitised by the Central & Western Murihiku Southland Archive. Check out the history of this early building here:
#WaiauDistrict #AccommodationHouse #EasternBush #digipres #CommunityHistory #glam #CentralWesternSouthland #archives #Ōtautau #Waiau #nz #Southland #Murihiku #history #aotearoa #nztwits #Ngota #fragment #Museum30