Had a great convo with @joeyayoub on The Fire These Times Podcast. About #solarpunk #acidcommunism, #postcapitalism and building a better future!
#solarpunk #AcidCommunism #postcapitalism
Had a great convo with @joeyayoub on The Fire These Times Podcast. About #solarpunk #acidcommunism, and building a better future!
From the archives (nearly 4 years ago) on my blog: Post-apocalyptic pastoral and post-industrial
"So we need to imagine something completely new: the answer is clearly not a continuation, or even a slight reduction, of industrial capitalism, but nor is it a pre-industrial utopian fantasy — some eco-fascist version of a Renaissance fair — in which millions of (the most vulnerable) people would die. "
#AcidCommunism #DeepEngland #Utopianism #ClimateChange #Capitalism
#capitalism #ClimateChange #utopianism #deepengland #AcidCommunism
This time last year I was interviewed over Zoom by Dr Callum Sutherland as part of his research (which explores urban expressions of affective politics by interrogating the emergent theoretical and activist movement of Acid Communism), covering topics such as:
the #weird and the #eerie
the #UrbanWyrd
#goth music and subculture
...and how they all relate to my artwork.
#zines #utopianism #goth #UrbanWyrd #eerie #weird #hookland #psychogeography #markfisher #capitalistrealism #AcidCommunism
I need to get back into writing for my blog. It's usually about my artwork, but sometimes I stray into adjacent interests of mine.
To whet your appetite here's a piece about "Stargazy on Zummerdown", a BBC2 "Play for the Week" from 1978, which I'd categorise as utopian post-apocalyptic pastoral verging on the anarchist (my blog post includes Youtube link to a dodgy version of the whole play).
#blog #AcidCommunism #anarchism #bbc2 #utopia
On my to-do list for November is to get back to blogging regularly (I've been blogging once or twice a month recently - I'd like to increase that to 3-4 times per month)
As you can guess I #blog a lot about #art but also about #folklore #mythology #myth #politics (specifically around #AcidCommunism and #MarkFisher) #psychogeography and #hauntology
Here's a blog post from June this year entitled "Imagining a more Utopian future":
#hauntology #psychogeography #markfisher #AcidCommunism #politics #myth #mythology #folklore #art #blog