Civil disobedience, dealing with #ScientistRebllion#LastGeneration
The 42-year-old was acquitted because his forest occupation was legitimate to protect the climate - which has a higher protective value than property
A lawyer of Sci4F Münster, thinks the judgement would not hold in further instances, but one sees just that also judges can become climate-savvy and accordingly appropriately courageous
Someone who does not understand why not enough eco- and climate protection is happening may object that road blockades do not fall under the emergency paragraph, as in the case of forest occupation. But this is fairly crystal clear social- and individual-psychologically inferable. Without motorists also fighting back, there will be insufficient climate protection. And for that to happen, motorists and all other citizens, including journalists, must first know that they are not climate-savvy enough. Having to draw attention to this and having no other option than forcing media to report on roadblocks establishes the emergency.
Maybe Psy4F can sit down with Lawyers4F and formulate the reasoning?
#FridaysForFuture #JudgesForFuture
#Forest #LawyersForFuture
#ScientistRebllion #AufstandLetzteGeneration #FridaysForFuture #JudgesForFuture #Acquittal #ClimateJustice #ClimateAction #germany #juststopoil #forest #LawyersForFuture
A district court acquitted a 42-year old climate activist on grounds of legitimate emergency intervention when he and others protected the climate by preventing a forest in Flensburg to be cut down.
Image shows Deepl-translation of the newspaper report
#FridaysForFuture #JudgesForFuture
#FridaysForFuture #JudgesForFuture #Acquittal #ClimateJustice #ClimateAction #germany #ClimateEmergency