Hey! #kolektiva! #anarchists #communists, etc. Do me a favor!? Boost ALL #mutualaid and #ActYourWage #union and #wekeepussafe stuff, could you? Even if it's not near you or applicable to you. The capitalists pay companies and influencers to platform their wins and accomplishments, they make so much noise virtue signalling that we all know about #RainbowCapitalism, but We don't have that, so we need EVERYONE to help tell the world a better way is possible.
We deserve to platform our good works.
We need to tell the world that capitalist 'charity' isn't the only way to help us.
We must continue to toot our own horns, because the other side is busy SCREAMING that we and those we love are literally The Great Satan and calling for their and our deaths.
They will not win either way, we already know this. But your help will absolutely, measurably help!
#Kolektiva #anarchists #communists #MutualAid #ActYourWage #union #wekeepussafe #RainbowCapitalism
#dailyreminder that the market don't care about you. you are but a cog in an oppressive system that will drain you until there's nothing left and then toss you into the gutter.
the best you can do is act your wage and never, and i can't stress that enough - never actually engage in extra activities at work.
the boss is not your friend.
the company doesn't care about anything other than exploiting your time and attitute.
money is important, but it's temporary and you'll never get your precious time back and some day you'll feel how painful your back is and how miserable your life has become. don't neglect your health, family, hobbies for job and money. life is just so much more than endless work.
it's up for you to decide on what your priorities will be.
#actyourwage #socialism #antiwork #antimoney #fuckwork #anticapitalism
#dailyreminder #ActYourWage #socialism #antiwork #antimoney #fuckwork #anticapitalism
My efforts to disuade my coworker from stressing over shit that isn't their responsibility or in their pay grade are failing. Poor kid is wound tighter than a ... really... thing that is tight. Yeah. Nailed it.
This is propaganda. Want us to work harder? Pay us more. It's that simple. #ActYourWage
If the pay is so competitive, then maybe they should post it. Especially since the company is owned by the Bancrofts (Standard Oil heirs)... I'm sure they /could/ pay plenty.
Somehow, I dont believe them.
#FuckYouPayUs #ActYourWage #DiscloseTheSalary #salary #wage