In the
re: incident between rider and driver where the driver pointed a at the

chief's mistake was holding a presscon too soon, inadvertently favoring the ex-cop driver. Police chief is resigning.

Mayor is cracking down on the ex-cop, but the cyclist is scared and is yet to come forward. ☹️

Shared from Bing:
police chief resigns over dismissed cop in incident

#news #bike #car #gun #cyclist #Police #QuezonCity #roadrage #bikes #bicycles #sharetheroad #ActiveMobility

Last updated 1 year ago

I'll say it again.
They're dead.
editors are dead.
Extinct. 😐


What the heck do they mean are "a few meters wide"?! It's not even 1 meter wide! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
"... saddened by the MMDA's idea of zeroing in on bike lanes which only take up a few meters wide ..."

#Philippine #news #Philippines #journalism #edsa #bikelanes #bikes #bicycles #motorcycles #motorbikes #cycling #ActiveMobility #mmda

Last updated 1 year ago

You can think of it that way:
if it were safer,
more people would ride .

Or you could say,
we need more more mooooore people on bikes!
So much more that they can't take us for granted anymore.
And then things will finally change for the better.
More than just band-aid solutions.

Hope that things get better. πŸ™
Or accept it and live with it. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Change will happen anyway.
Gotta have faith. πŸ˜‰

#bikes #QuezonCity #PasigCity #Philippines #ActiveMobility

Last updated 1 year ago

Yeah, I don't feel good about that bike rack either, but there's nowhere else to park. ☹️

We got a long way to go...

#bikes #bicycles #bikefriendly #bicycleparking #ActiveMobility

Last updated 1 year ago

Mission aborted. 🚲😐

Today would've been a good day to use my as transport for real, for the first time -- all I've done so far were exercise, group leisure rides, or visits to the bike shop. Today my destination actually has safe "parking" for .

But I didn't get any . πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« Can't do long distance riding. That would be foolish. That's like riding drunk. And we don't have the safest streets here. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

#bike #bikes #sleep #ActiveMobility #bicycles #cycling #MetroManila #Philippines

Last updated 1 year ago

Scree Cycles · @scree
149 followers · 18 posts · Server

Nice present from our local council πŸ™

#ActiveMobility #cranfield #cycling

Last updated 2 years ago

Scree Cycles · @scree
150 followers · 17 posts · Server

from Sunday's event calling for a stop to the removal of the on Ayala Ave .

We might say the event was a success, considering that they planned it only Friday. Little time to spread the word.

The turnout was a disappointment for me. I imagined we could at least fill a block of Ayala Ave. I had hoped a lot of people would show up. But, no. My estimate was that there were only about 200.

Oh well. We tried.

#photos #bicycle #ProtectedBikeLanes #makaticity #Philippines #bikes #ActiveMobility

Last updated 2 years ago

11 followers · 193 posts · Server

.@EuCyclistsFed estimates that cycling can save emissions equalling more than 16 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents per year in the πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί.

saves money & energy ⚑ and can help save the planet!

Do you enjoy cycling? πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ


#ActiveMobility #MobilityWeek #MixandMove #SaveEnergy

Last updated 2 years ago

It's nice that you get to take a full-sized on public transpo. πŸ‘

Wish we could do that here. *sigh* ☹️ It's not practical, of course. Public transpo here is hardly enough for just people. So being on public transpo with extra cargo like a big bike would be a luxury -- a luxury that does not exist even for those willing to pay extra.

Still waiting for better infra for . Right now it's mostly just paint. 😐

#bike #ActiveMobility #Philippines #MetroManila #bikes #cycling

Last updated 2 years ago

10 followers · 186 posts · Server

According to @euenvironment, road transport πŸ›£ accounts for the highest proportion of πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί transport emissions.

By using & - like πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ and πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ - we can reduce .

Plus, active mobility is linked to improved physical & mental well-being. πŸ’ͺ


#publictransport #ActiveMobility #emissions

Last updated 2 years ago

Seen today. πŸ›΄πŸ‘΄πŸΌ

Not to say that the mall officially allows it, but it's good this even thought of using a there. Hopefully nobody working at the mall will tell him to stop riding it indoors. I'll understand if they ban kids zipping around the mall on wheels. But if they just use their brains instead of automatically going "You can't do that here," the world would be a lot more bearable to live in.

I think are great. πŸ€“πŸ‘

#seniorcitizen #kickscooter #kickscooters #ActiveMobility #pwdfriendly

Last updated 2 years ago

11 followers · 177 posts · Server

Our ❄ December Newsletter ❄ is out!

Learn more about:
🚲 How you can support πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
πŸ‘Š The power of to save energy
πŸ’ͺ How to foster in your city

And more... πŸ‘‰


#BikesforUkraine #sustainablemobility #ActiveMobility #BetterConnections #MixandMove

Last updated 2 years ago

EU Transport · @Transport_EU
81 followers · 577 posts · Server

2021 award winner πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή is investing in more side-walks and 🚲 lanes to reduce πŸ“‰ spending on fossil fuels & encourage .

Learn more πŸ”½
RT @mobilityweek: spoke πŸ—£ to alderman Paulo Esteves Ferreira of πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή to learn more about the city's ✨ transformations ✨ and how they foster to improve quality of life.

πŸ“° Read the interview here:


#MobilityWeek #Valongo #ActiveMobility #sustainablemobility #BetterConnections

Last updated 2 years ago

11 followers · 175 posts · Server

πŸ€” How is 2021 award winner using to improve quality of life?

The πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή city is investing in more side-walks and 🚲 lanes to reduce πŸ“‰ spending on fossil fuels & encourage .

➑ Learn more:


#MobilityWeek #Valongo #sustainablemobility #ActiveMobility

Last updated 2 years ago

How do you use your with ?

❔ PAS always ON
❔ PAS On for most* of the ride, like 80% or 90% of the time
❔ PAS/throttle only* when needed, like in difficult situations like hills or when already tired from pedaling too hard

Me, I only use PAS when needed, or when I want to charge the battery again (with my usage I don't need to recharge after every ride). @ebikes @bikes @mastobikes

#eBike #PedalAssist #bikes #pas #bicycles #cycling #ActiveMobility

Last updated 2 years ago

Scree Cycles · @scree
96 followers · 66 posts · Server
Scree Cycles · @scree
49 followers · 31 posts · Server


πŸ’š 🚴 🌿 🦊 🌍

#ActiveMobility #UKCyclingTweeps

Last updated 2 years ago

organictraveller · @organictraveller
77 followers · 601 posts · Server

During I realised I need a 2nd account for all the stuff I care about apart from food, , and : So here comes @trish for the part of me.

The account will continue with , , notes on and , in short: with the .

I'll unfollow some of you from this account and move you over to @trish, to keep things tidier.

#althier #goodlife #food #planetfriendly #ActiveMobility #restaurantreviews #travelnotes #organictraveller #neuhier #activist #sustainableTourism #bicycles #trains #organic #bitsundbaeume22

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes! That is* the formula to determining the ideal number of bikes! πŸ˜…

I've actually asked this question before and was given that formula. 😁

But I was just watching and they had a poll, and I'm seeing more and more bikers/cyclists here on Mastodon and thought I'd ask again -- also considering other modes of transportation.

#GCN #ActiveMobility

Last updated 2 years ago