Can #metabolic acquisitions ever become permanent? Here, Alexandra Brown, Grace Casarez, and @mixotrophe apply #adaptiveDynamics to a model of "#chloroplastStealing" #microbes to find out when borrowed machinery is better than having your own.
Read now ahead of print!
#metabolic #AdaptiveDynamics #chloroplaststealing #microbes
...and another #seminar invitation: Avril Weinbach (postdoc in my team) will present her latest research on Tuesday, March 28, at 11 am:
“Eco-evolutionary responses of mutualistic systems to insect decline and changes in flowering phenology”.
This is a hybrid seminar, so please get in touch in case you would like to join and learn more about the methods that we use to study all sorts of #ecoevo dynamics!
#AdaptiveDynamics #TheoreticalEcology #EcologicalModelling
#seminar #ecoevo #AdaptiveDynamics #TheoreticalEcology #EcologicalModelling #mutualism
Paper submitted! 🥳
This one is a major win because 3/4 of us are #AcademicMums. We fight with sleep deprivation, inconsistent childcare, countless illnesses and short-term contracts, so 1st author Franz Weyerer had to juggle our numerous work constraints on top of a challenging research project. But we made it work!
Here is our new #preprint showing how #coevolution of #mutualists accelerates or decelerates #pollinator extinction.
#AcademicMums #preprint #coevolution #Mutualists #pollinator #AdaptiveDynamics #InsectDecline
New paper: How development affects evolution @journal_evo
#evolution #development #evodevo #Gmatrix #mathbio #plasticity #developmentalbias #nicheconstruction #extrageneticinheritance #senescence #ageing #evolutionarydynamics #adaptivedynamics #fitnesslandscape
#fitnesslandscape #AdaptiveDynamics #evolutionarydynamics #Ageing #senescence #extrageneticinheritance #nicheconstruction #developmentalbias #plasticity #mathbio #gmatrix #evodevo #development #evolution
@ngons @JacobPhD my involvement came through biological #EvolutionaryDynamics (now #AdaptiveDynamics) before sufficient #MolecularEvolutionary evidence was available and before knowledge of #MachineLearning (when was term invented? I knew about #NeuralNetworks but didn't have computational resources to use them). #Fitness was assumed to be positive based on history of analytical models.
#evolutionarydynamics #AdaptiveDynamics #molecularevolutionary #machinelearning #neuralnetworks #fitness
#introduction I am an evolutionary biologist interested by the origins of life and evolutionary transitions in individuality #ETI. I do #theory inspired by #ExperimentalEvolution.
I'd like to understand how living systems emerge and change scale.
I enjoy various approaches such as #Math #Models (#StochasticProcess, #DynamicalSystems, and #AdaptiveDynamics in particular), #PhilosophyOfScience, #Bioinformatics and #Dataviz.
I am a #FOSS and #OpenScience enthusiast. Nice to meet you all !
#introduction #eti #theory #ExperimentalEvolution #math #models #stochasticprocess #dynamicalsystems #AdaptiveDynamics #philosophyofscience #bioinformatics #dataviz #foss #OpenScience
#AdaptiveDynamics studying #Evolution in the context of #PopulationDynamics. When I worked on it I called it #EvolutionaryDynamics but adaptive dynamics is the name that has stuck. Diagram shows the adaptive dynamics of coevolving predator and prey where no stable #EvolutionaryStableStrategy can be reached. From
This was the early days for what has been done since see
#AdaptiveDynamics #Evolution #populationdynamics #evolutionarydynamics #evolutionarystablestrategy
Our newest case at #sfe2gfoe2022 is #Evolutionary #murder: When coevolution of #mutualists accelerates extinction. Great talk on rather unexpected #adaptivedynamics by Avril Weinbach!
#sfe2gfoe2022 #Evolutionary #murder #Mutualists #AdaptiveDynamics
Wanna see a proud #newPI?
Then come to the „evolution approaches“ sessions today! My team members Malina Palmer and Avril Weinbach will present their work on #ecoevo #feedback and #mutualism!
#newPI #ecoevo #feedback #mutualism #coevolution #metacommunities #TheoreticalEcology #EcologicalModeling #AdaptiveDynamics #ecologymetz2022 #sfe2gfoe2022
#ecoevo folks #introductions #introduction. I am a former #evolutionary #ecologist. DPhil #UYorkUK #evolutionarydynamics (#adaptivedynamics) #populationdynamics #gametheory #dynamicalsystems #evolutionarystablestrategies #ESS. Postdoc #ULeiden continued this. Postdoc #UCambridge #lifehistoryevolution #soaysheepproject #modelling #reproductivestrategies #dynamicprogramming #fielddata
Where did this lead to? Recruitment into business for #bioinspiredcomputing
#ecoevo #introductions #introduction #Evolutionary #ecologist #uyorkuk #evolutionarydynamics #AdaptiveDynamics #populationdynamics #gametheory #dynamicalsystems #evolutionarystablestrategies #ess #uleiden #ucambridge #lifehistoryevolution #soaysheepproject #modelling #reproductivestrategies #dynamicprogramming #fielddata #bioinspiredcomputing
#introduction (I love the idea!)
I am an associate professor at the #LBBE in Lyon
This means I teach for a significant part of my time (maths, genetics) at the #IUTLyon1
In my research I study #evolution with models (#popgen, #adaptivedynamics) more #mechanistic than usual – often this leads me to study #evolution in/of biological #networks
#introduction #LBBE #IUTLyon1 #Evolution #PopGen #AdaptiveDynamics #mechanistic #networks
Who is going to attend the annual #ecoevo #conference of SFE2 and GFÖ in Metz?
I'll be there, together with Avril Weinbach (postdoc) and Malina Palmer (soon-to-be PhD student). Both will present some really cool #modeling work on mutualistic systems. Are you joining as well? Then please let us know! We would love to get in touch!
#InsectDecline #Metacommunity
#mutualism #EcoEvoFeedback #AdaptiveDynamics
#ecoevo #conference #modeling #InsectDecline #metacommunity #pollination #mutualism #EcoEvoFeedback #AdaptiveDynamics
A lightning talk #modelling #adaptation of #migratory #bird #phenology in response to #ClimateChange using #AdaptiveDynamics
(testing how YouTube embedding works on Mastodon)
#AdaptiveDynamics #climatechange #phenology #bird #migratory #adaptation #modelling
I am a junior research group leader for #ecoevo #modelling at the University of Hohenheim in Germany.
We study all kinds of #EcologicalNetworks. We want to know how such networks are structured, how they maintain their balance and how they respond to #globalchange. We approach these questions from a theoretical point of view, using computer simulations and mathematics.
#TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvoModelling #CommunityEcology #ComplexSystems #AgentBasedModels #AdaptiveDynamics
#introduction #ecoevo #modelling #EcologicalNetworks #globalchange #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvoModelling #CommunityEcology #complexsystems #AgentBasedModels #AdaptiveDynamics