Adfree Cities is going on tour with the Hell Bus! #AdFree #AdFreeCities #AdvertisingShitsInYourHead
#adfree #AdfreeCities #advertisingshitsinyourhead
@schoenswetter Die schweigende Mehrheit ist mit Werbung unzufrieden und fühlt sich durch sie belästigt, sieht aber keine Handlungsmöglichkeiten dagegen.
Bewegungen aufzubauen ist zwar langwierig, aber möglich. Wir versuchen das in AT mit dem Verein @werbefrei. Initiativen in anderen Ländern haben eine viel längere (Erfolgs)geschichte, etwa @RAP in FR oder #AdfreeCities in UK.
The UK cigarette advertising when we recognised the risk they posed, so why don't we do the same for SUVs?
Children are 8 times more likely, and adults >twice as likely to be killed when hit by an SUV compared to a standard car.
Rising sales of SUVs have also helped to cancel out any carbon emissions saved by electric cars.
Our roads are unsafe. We need to stop advertising these vehicles as a lifestyle choice.
Please sign & share
#AdfreeCities #bansuvs #activetravel
Ein toller Erfolg gegen #Shell in England: #Greenwashing - Werbung wurde dank einer Beschwerde von #AdfreeCities verboten.
Mehr dazu:
#shell #greenwashing #AdfreeCities
Heute ist der 75. #Weltgesundheitstag. Zu diesem Anlass erinnert #AdfreeCities an die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Werbung:
#Weltgesundheitstag #AdfreeCities #worldhealthday
With energy in short supply, is powering pointless advertising a priority? Join the #AdFreeCities petition: Blackout Billboards not Homes. Sign here:
"instead of big adverts, "we'd rather see community arts, murals, local projects, and renewed green spaces"." 🙌
Adfree Cities'
via BBC News #BanFossilAds #ArtNotAds #adfreecities
#BanFossilAds #ArtNotAds #AdfreeCities
RT de Adblock Bristol :
A 3rd digital billboard on the M32 has been refused (🙌) since it would "take drivers' attention away from the road". Officers said the “outcome of collisions on this stretch of road would be likely to be severe”.
#designedtodistract #adfreecities
#designedtodistract #AdfreeCities
RT de Adblock Bristol :
A 3rd digital billboard on the M32 has been refused (🙌) since it would "take drivers' attention away from the road". Officers said the “outcome of collisions on this stretch of road would be likely to be severe”.
#designedtodistract #adfreecities
#designedtodistract #AdfreeCities
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Thanks to the people of BS3 #Bristol for sharing your feelings and wishes today! We had fun :) #AdfreeCities #Bedminster #BanFossilAds
#bristol #AdfreeCities #bedminster #BanFossilAds
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Great to be brainstorming ideas and celebrating adbusting successes with the Adfree Cities #AdfreeCities network 🙌
There are Adblock groups all over the UK - find yours and join the movement to reclaim our cities for art, nature and people - not corporate ads!
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Great to be brainstorming ideas and celebrating adbusting successes with the Adfree Cities #AdfreeCities network 🙌
There are Adblock groups all over the UK - find yours and join the movement to reclaim our cities for art, nature and people - not corporate ads!
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Hey JCDecauxUK we don't want your digital ad screens! #AdfreeCities #ClimateEmergency #totterdown #Bristol
#totterdown #bristol #AdfreeCities #climateemergency
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Hey JCDecauxUK we don't want your digital ad screens! #AdfreeCities #ClimateEmergency #totterdown #Bristol
#bristol #totterdown #climateemergency #AdfreeCities
RT de Benjamin Badouard :
Shutting down a 30m2 digital screen... What a perfect conclusion for this #AdFreeCities national conference in Bristol.
See you @AdblockBristol !
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Hearing from Matt Bonner, Trump Baby about Subvertising, getting some great ideas and background info and can’t wait to get our hands dirty! #AdFreeCities
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Victory in Grenoble: the French anti-advertising movement. Very educational, super interesting. So much to learn from this lot! #AdFreeCities
RT de Adblock Bristol :
Aaaand were off! Our own Robbie Gillett is giving the opening address and welcome to the UKs first #AdfreeCities conference with a summary of amazing victories to date 🤩 special welcome to those who’ve travelled all the way from France to be here 🇫🇷
RT de Benjamin Badouard :
Tous les antipubs de Grande-Bretagne réunis ce week-end à Bristol pour le #AdFreeCities national conference avec @AdblockBristol.
Et aussi qq français...
Et une vidéo d'intro d'@EricPiolle
RT de Adblock Bristol :
"This whole thing thrives on us always feeling incomplete" kate tempest - so true. Let's banish corporate ads that make us feel we're lacking and ask, what do we need instead? #AdfreeCities conference this Sat @TIGERBRISTOL @weglimpse @MicahPurnell @HappyCityUK @Upfest