On a good note, Rio is shining live bronze cooper. Damn he looks good. I'll try to remember the camera and show you how beautiful he is looking. That is what tender loving care does for a rescue horse.
@carlile he is beautiful. I'm happy to hear you rescued him and gave him a good home ❤️
She is a darling wire-haired terrier/dachshund cross. She's incredibly sweet with us and very attached and affectionate (really, she's like a cat sometimes), but she is quite nervous and anxious around new people, even ones she has met several times.
#dogs #dogsOfMastodon #animalRescue #adoptDontShop
#boston #bostonMA #newEngland #MA #CT #ME #VT #NH #NY
🧵 2/
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #animalrescue #AdoptDontShop #boston #bostonma #newengland #ma #ct #me #vt #nh #ny
Because of changing life circumstances (my partner going into assisted living, me moving to a new apartment) we're needing to re-home our 2 dogs.
This is really, really hard. Luckily one of them is going back to my GF's ex-husband (which is an excellent thing) but I need to find a new home for Bella.
(more details about Bella in 🧵 )
*** Boosts greatly appreciated! 🙏 🐶 ***
#dogs #dogsOfMastodon #animalRescue #adoptDontShop
#boston #bostonMA #newEngland #MA #CT #ME #VT #NH #NY
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #animalrescue #AdoptDontShop #boston #bostonma #newengland #ma #ct #me #vt #nh #ny
Чому купувати, коли можна врятувати життя? Адоптуйте кошеня! 🐱💖 #AdoptDontShop #catsofmastodon P.S.: Звертайтеся в приват для деталей адопції.
#AdoptDontShop #catsofmastodon
Ваша домівка може стати справжнім раєм для маленького кошеняти. Подумайте про адопцію! 🏡❤️
P.S.:💌 За деталями адопції пишіть мені в приват.
#catsofmastodon #AdoptDontShop #loveandcare
Ваша домівка може стати справжнім раєм для маленького кошеняти. Подумайте про адопцію! 🏡❤️ #AdoptDontShop #CatsofMastadon #LoveAndCare
P.S.:💌 За деталями адопції пишіть мені в приват.
#AdoptDontShop #catsofmastadon #loveandcare
Солодкі сни :blobfoxheartcute: #catsofmastodon #cats #AdoptDontShop #kyiv #ukraine
#catsofmastodon #cats #AdoptDontShop #kyiv #ukraine
Бім на зарядці :battery_medium: #catsofmastodon #AdoptDontShop #ukraine #kyiv
#catsofmastodon #AdoptDontShop #ukraine #kyiv
Вуглик і Бім відпочивають, поки інші розносять хату :pusheenbounce: #catsofmastodon #catwednesday #catskyiv #AdoptDontShop
#catsofmastodon #catwednesday #catskyiv #AdoptDontShop
Це Джин. Названий так бо у лікаря перевернув на себе пляшку зі спиртом :hamster_dance:
#Коти #київ #AdoptDontShop #catsofmastodon
#Коти #київ #AdoptDontShop #catsofmastodon
Els meus nens #internationaldogday #AdoptDontShop
#internationaldogday #AdoptDontShop
А це ми збираємось їсти :dancing_panda:
#catsofmastodon #AdoptDontShop #Київ #КотиКиїв #caturday #cats
#catsofmastodon #AdoptDontShop #київ #котикиїв #caturday #cats
У Києві 6 врятованих кошенят чекають на вас! Пройшли медичний огляд і готові стати улюбленими членами вашої сім'ї.
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#AdoptDontShop #Київ #catsofmastodon #AnimalRescue #RescueCats #AdoptMe #КотиКиїв #PetAdoption #FurFamily
#AdoptDontShop #київ #catsofmastodon #animalrescue #rescuecats #adoptme #котикиїв #petadoption #furfamily
Connoisseur der Komfortzone 🥰
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #Hund #Hunde #Hundeliebe #LebenmitHund #dogcontent #faulerHund #Süßkeks #Streuner #rescuedog #AdoptDontShop #foreverhome #Tierschutzhunde
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #hund #hunde #hundeliebe #lebenmithund #dogcontent #faulerhund #sußkeks #streuner #rescuedog #AdoptDontShop #foreverhome #Tierschutzhunde
Please behold the progress Brice has made!!!
He spent the first weeks here hidden under the bed :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
#CatsOfMastodon #FediCats #Caturday #AdoptDontShop
#CatsOfMastodon #fedicats #Caturday #AdoptDontShop
Six months of Brice!
So glad he is much less scared, and now unafraid to demand food and pets! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
#CatsOfMastodon #FediCats #AdoptDontShop
#CatsOfMastodon #fedicats #AdoptDontShop
@bohemianchic Maybe I am biased because of the exposure I have to the stray problem here, but I have little to no patience to someone who buys a dog when so many sweet dogs are in need, and when breeders seemingly don’t care if they’re contributing to the problem or not. #AdoptDontShop
New on Instagram: And this is Skippy. Or as @sarahandheryahoos calls him Skippy John Jones. He is another of the siblings who will be available @cherrylandtraversecity in September. #adoptdontshop #traversecity #kittens https://instagr.am/p/CvyT26xOD8a/
#AdoptDontShop #traversecity #kittens
New on Instagram: Next up we have Bugs. He's a bobtail tuxedo male. @cherrylandtraversecity will have him and his siblings for adoption at the end of September. #traversecity #adoptdontshop #kittens https://instagr.am/p/Cvx5FMvua9o/
#traversecity #AdoptDontShop #kittens