While I research philosophical and explanations of #antisemitism reactions to #Holocaust for #MAthesis (#Sartre, #Levinas, #Arendt, #Adorno) I see this video of US Conservative political commentator Michael Knowles telling March 2023 CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) that "there can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. ... Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely." #Niewieder, oder? https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1632057198577606657?s=20
#antisemitism #holocaust #MAthesis #sartre #levinas #arendt #Adorno #niewieder
Ein kritisches Gespräch über die politische Ideengeschichte & politische Philosophie - mit Fabian Lehr
#adorno #krippendorf #lenin #machno #gramsci
Universität als ideologischer Staatsapparat?
Der große Uni-Bluff (Wolfgang Wagner)
Die Grünen: "die vlt. chauvinistischste, militaristischste, Herrschaft-affiermierendste Partei Deutschlands?
#kapitalismus #politik #philosophie #marx #marxismus #anarchie #anarchytown #anarchismus #lenin #trotzki #bakunin #machno
#Adorno #krippendorf #lenin #Machno #Gramsci #kapitalismus #politik #philosophie #marx #Marxismus #anarchie #anarchytown #Anarchismus #Trotzki #bakunin
"Against Disenchantment"
A short piece I wrote a while ago for AEON that reflects a small part of the argument of my 2nd book. (It is the magazine's 10th anniversary & they've asked me to share). Please check it out!
#Disenchantment #Magic #CriticalTheory #FrankfurtSchool #Adorno #MaxWeber #Philosophy #theory
#disenchantment #magic #criticaltheory #FrankfurtSchool #Adorno #maxweber #philosophy #theory
"Against Disenchantment"
A short piece I wrote a while ago for AEON that reflects a small part of the argument of my 2nd book. (It is the magazine's 10th anniversary & they've asked me to share). Please check it out!
#Disenchantment #Magic #CriticalTheory #FrankfurtSchool #Adorno #MaxWeber #Philosophy #theory
#disenchantment #magic #criticaltheory #FrankfurtSchool #Adorno #maxweber #philosophy #theory
"Those who won't take advice can't be helped, the bourgeois used to say, with advice that costs nothing, to buy themselves out of the obligation to help, and at the same time to gain power over the helpless person who had turned to them."
fuel for my growing anti-psychology sentiment
#Adorno #criticaltheory #MinimaMoralia
#Horkheimer #Adorno talk convincingly in #DialecticofEnlightenment about how the #CultureIndustry through its definition of the *categories themselves* that we use to think are part of way the capitalist (and later fascist, in Germany) system manipulates us. Being here, isn’t #Twitter with its algorithms and trending topics a good example of this, while #Mastodon is the perfect counter example?
#horkheimer #Adorno #DialecticofEnlightenment #cultureindustry #twitter #mastodon
"Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im Falschen."
Dieses #Zitat von #Adorno trifft es so gut, warum ich lieber hier bin als auf #Twitter. Denn das gilt auch für das digitale Leben in den sozialen Netzwerken ...
#zitat #Adorno #Twitter #twitterexodus #TwitterTakeover #elonmusk