Seems that putting my #adsb #antenna to the roof worked quite well. I get the range as the precalculation from my location showed. 👌 #Adsbexchange #flightradar #sdr #rtlsdr
#adsb #antenna #Adsbexchange #flightradar #sdr #rtlsdr
ElonJet & Co.: Verkauf von Flighttracker erzürnt Nutzer
>Die Flugdaten des Trackers waren bisher unzensiert verfügbar. Gesammelt werden sie weltweit durch Freiwillige.
I’ll shutdown both of my feeders (UK & GER) for #ADSBExchange today. I’m not helping #jetnet to make money with my feeded flight data and not giving anything back, this sold out is just a massive kick in the ass of all us volunteer feeders.
FFS... #adsbexchange has sold to private equity. Powered off my feeder till a replacement can be found. Just as I fixed my range issue....
Did some more testing with housing and a bit longer antenna cable over the last seven days. Everthing seems fine, can't wait to put the antenna to the roof on top of my chimney. But the weather doesn't look promising the next days. #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar #sdr
#adsb #Adsbexchange #flightradar #sdr
New antenna and removed the cable between antenna and sdr dongle. The signal is getting better and better. 😀
#Adsbexchange #flightradar #adsb #sdr
I got the new patch antenna this week. The first results are quite good. I ordered this model:
Next step finding a UV and weatherproof case for the antenna and the SDR dongle and placing it onto the roof.
Current range from windowsill on the east side of my house:
On the window pointing towards east, I'm seeing planes up to 200km distance with the Tunatenna. Since it seems to work quite well where I live, I ordered a professional antenna today.
#Adsbexchange #adsb
May I intoduce: Tunatenna a redneck style groundplate antenna. #adsb #Adsbexchange #cantenna #sdr #rtlsdr
#adsb #Adsbexchange #cantenna #sdr #rtlsdr
@elonjet Hej, I'm running ADSB-B to #Adsbexchange. Do you have some pointers how to extend to ADSB-C and how to feed?