I worked at Advanced Care Planning Australia in 2017-2018, and I had a small hand in the project management of these animated videos.
After the Communications Manager left, I stepped up to see them through to completion. Produced by Creativa, it won Gold recognition in the 2018 Muse Creative Awards.
Working at ACPA planted the seed for becoming an end of life doula.
#EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula #AdvanceCarePlanning #ACPweek23
#acpweek23 #AdvanceCarePlanning #DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #endoflife
Have you considered what kind of medical care you want if you can't speak for yourself?
It's National Advance Care Planning Week, and 'the time is now' to think about–and talk about–your values and preferences regarding future health care and end-of-life.
Advance care planning is key to ensuring your wishes are respected. Start the conversation.
#EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula #AdvanceCarePlanning #HealthcareDecisions #ACPweek23
#acpweek23 #healthcaredecisions #AdvanceCarePlanning #DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #endoflife
What values are especially important to you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving?
#AdvanceCarePlanning #hapc #hpm #PalliativeCare #MedMastodon #Thanksgiving2022
#AdvanceCarePlanning #HAPC #hpm #PalliativeCare #MedMastodon #thanksgiving2022
This #Thanksgiving2022, ask your loved ones what matters most. It’s never too early for #AdvanceCarePlanning.
https://www.hospiceactionnetwork.org/advance-care-planning-over-the-holidays/ #hapc #hpm #PalliativeCare #MedMastodon
#thanksgiving2022 #AdvanceCarePlanning #HAPC #hpm #PalliativeCare #MedMastodon