#DYK? AAM technologies are not just for on-demand passenger #mobility! Use cases include a broad variety of other transportation services and aerial applications such as crop dusting: https://evtolinsights.com/2023/08/pyka-secures-faa-authorisation-for-highly-automated-electric-drone-in-the-us/. 🚁🛩️
#AdvancedAirMobility #avgeeks #aviation #engineering #farming #STEM #transportation
#transportation #stem #farming #engineering #Aviation #avgeeks #AdvancedAirMobility #mobility #dyk
Read my interview with Joe Petrie for Airport Business magazine on preparing aviation facilities for advance air mobility (AAM): https://www.nxtbook.com/endeavor/airportbusiness/may-june-2023/index.php#/p/26. 🛩🚁🔋
#AAM #AdvancedAirMobility #aircraft #aviation #engineering #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #infrastructure #mobility #transportation #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #transportation #mobility #infrastructure #eVTOLS #estols #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #AdvancedAirMobility #aam
Hydrogen in #aviation is on the horizon – short-term with fuel cell-electric #aircraft and perhaps long-term with larger hydrogen jet & turboprop aircraft. But this fuel is completely new to our industry! We'll need supply chains to deliver #hydrogen to the final users. Here is a depiction of the different options available. 🚁🛩️✈️
#AdvancedAirMobility #airports #AirTravel #eCTOL #engineering #eSTOL #eVTOL #FutureReady #mobility #RegionalAviation #research #STEM #SupplyChain #transportation
#transportation #supplychain #stem #Research #regionalaviation #mobility #futureready #eVTOL #estol #engineering #ectol #airTravel #airports #AdvancedAirMobility #hydrogen #aircraft #Aviation
Read the new US Government Accountability Office report Transforming #Aviation: Congress Should Clarify Certain Tax Exemptions for Advanced Air #Mobility: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105188. It was a pleasure to provide my perspectives on the matter to the GAO analysts as part of the Airport Consultants Council (ACC) response to the study's industry outreach effort. 🚁🛩️🔋 #advancedairmobility #airports #electricflight #evtols #futureready #infrastructure #transportation #verticalflight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #infrastructure #futureready #eVTOLS #electricflight #airports #AdvancedAirMobility #mobility #Aviation
@VTOLsociety It was an amazing workshop! Thanks for sharing these pictures. 🚁 #advancedairmobility #aviation #avgeeks #climateaction #engineering #infrastructure #stem #verticalflight #vtol
#vtol #verticalflight #stem #infrastructure #engineering #ClimateAction #avgeeks #Aviation #AdvancedAirMobility
RT @AerospacePoliMI@twitter.com
Nuova edizione master in Fundamentals of the Air Transport System. Venerdì 3.12.2021 alle 14:30, presso l'aula Carlo De Carli @polimi@twitter.com, si terrà un evento con i vertici @EnacGov@twitter.com sul tema "Il Piano Strategico Nazionale AAM (#AdvancedAirMobility) 2021-2030"👉https://www.aero.polimi.it/en/storage-folder/event-list/event-detail/article/333/nuova-edizione-master-in-fundamentals-of-the-air-transport-system-incontro-con-enac-810/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AerospacePoliMI/status/1465721475478917120