📬 Advanced Custom Fields: Sicherheitslücke in WordPress-Plugin ermöglicht Datenklau
#ITSicherheit #ACF #AdvancedCustomFields #AdvancedCustomFieldsPro #Patchstack #RafieMuhammad #WordpressPlugin #WordpressSeite #XSS https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/advanced-custom-fields-sicherheitsluecke-in-wordpress-plugin-ermoeglicht-datenklau-274163.html
#xss #WordpressSeite #wordpressplugin #rafiemuhammad #patchstack #advancedcustomfieldspro #AdvancedCustomFields #acf #itsicherheit
Zusätzlich ist das die Premiere des Blog-Systems meiner Website. Damals hatte ich auf die Schnelle eine #WordPress Seite zusammengeklickt und komme jetzt endlich dazu, da Mal mehr draus zu machen.
Für die technisch Interessierten: Ich nutze #GeneratePress als Basis und erweitere es mit den #GenerateBlocks|Pro. Dazu gibt's #CustomPostTypes & #AdvancedCustomFields.
Die Bilder-Galerien sind umgesetzt mit tollem #ProgressiveEnhancement #CSS von #EveryLayout (made by @hankchizljaw & @heydon).
#EveryLayout #css #progressiveenhancement #AdvancedCustomFields #CustomPostTypes #GenerateBlocks #GeneratePress #wordpress
Following my woes with Advanced Custom Fields Pro 6.x, I did some research, and in the end I've decided:
1. My existing sites that use ACF Pro will stay on 5.12.3 for as long as that keeps working.
2. Any new site development will use Carbon Fields instead. Everything is built with code rather than a UI, and I can just add it to a theme with Composer.
#WordPress #plugin #AdvancedCustomFields #ACF #ACFPro #CarbonFields
#CarbonFields #ACFPro #acf #AdvancedCustomFields #plugin #WordPress
Tech toot...
First use of Advanced Custom Fields Pro since the 6.0 update.
Fuuuuck, it's awful. The admin interface randomly fails to save changes, there are tabbed panels everywhere instead of a simple stream of fields, all the panel borders are really low contrast making it hard to see where you are, the tabindex sequence is wrong, etc etc.
I'm going to have to look for alternatives.
#WordPress #plugin #AdvancedCustomFields #ACF #ACFPro #DeliciousBrains #WPEngine #UIDisastersOfOurTime
#UIDisastersOfOurTime #wpengine #deliciousbrains #ACFPro #acf #AdvancedCustomFields #plugin #WordPress
Oh dear.
When #DeliciousBrains took over #AdvancedCustomFields they pretty much left it alone (a Good Thing).
I doubt we can rely on #WPEngine (crappy shared hosting marketed as a premium service) to do the same.
#SellOuts #buyouts #acquisitions #WordPress #wpengine #AdvancedCustomFields #deliciousbrains