After the last two weeks of work, I am under some sort of status counter. It's CX at least, maybe DM, and I could make a case for Disrupted. #advancedsquadleader
It's been a few weeks since I got any wargames on the table. I'm in the midst of punching and clipping counters from Yanks and the new Drop Zone HASL, though, so I can play a scenario with some cows. Because cows make #advancedsquadleader better. #hexesforever
#hexesforever #AdvancedSquadLeader
Party at the Tractor Works: early on, then some fun with the prisoner rules, and then how it ended. #advancedsquadleader
So, tonight I learned that trying to play #advancedsquadleader solo on the tabletop at the same time as playing A Feast For Odin on BGA is...not conducive to doing either very well. 🤯 🤯 🤯
The new "pocket" scenarios in ASL Journal 13, with the scenario writeup and small map on the same letter-sized sheet, are such a great idea. I expect these will be some of my new favorite #advancedsquadleader scenarios. #hexesforever
#hexesforever #AdvancedSquadLeader
Tomorrow, Next War: Poland arrives from GMT, so my table will be tied up with that for a week or two. I wanted to squeeze in a game of #advancedsquadleader first, so I played S51 “Enter The Young” from SK EP1. Starting to say things like, “I wish I could bypass this building,” so I suspect it’s not long before I play the full rules more often… #hexesforever
#hexesforever #AdvancedSquadLeader
Kicking off 2023 with a game of #advancedsquadleader Starter Kit Expansion #2. Scenario S75 “They Always Returned” takes us to 1937 Shanghai, and my first battle using Chinese forces. The SSRs give the Chinese defensive air support that should work, according to the dice odds, only 25% of the time. In this match, it worked every time. Guess who won. (Hint: not the Japanese.) #hexesforever
#hexesforever #AdvancedSquadLeader
I very much enjoy how #advancedsquadleader can fit a very compelling game into a small table area. This is Starter Kit 4, Scenario S68, after two game turns.
Speaking of #advancedsquadleader, MMP should get a yellow card for releasing a new ASL Journal ( three days before Christmas and less than two weeks before my birthday.
I think this is the first issue to be released since I started playing ASL...looks packed!
Speaking of #advancedsquadleader, MMP should get a yellow card for releasing a new ASL Journal ( three days before Christmas and less than two weeks before my birthday.
I think this is the first issue to be released since I started playing ASL...looks packed!
The last couple of weeks have been pretty damn hectic, but the clouds are clearing. Our dog Buster has gotten good news all around after his cancer surgery. The work week ends tomorrow, by law if not by inclination. After that, I have a week and a half off for holidays, anniversary celebrations, and gaming!
Expect more #HexesForever and #advancedsquadleader posts soon.
#AdvancedSquadLeader #hexesforever
The last couple of weeks have been pretty damn hectic, but the clouds are clearing. Our dog Buster has gotten good news all around after his cancer surgery. The work week ends tomorrow, by law if not by inclination. After that, I have a week and a half off for holidays, anniversary celebrations, and gaming!
Expect more #HexesForever and #advancedsquadleader posts soon.
#AdvancedSquadLeader #hexesforever
For various reasons, I need to play my day-off #advancedsquadleader SK solo away from the gaming table, so I'm making myself learn the VASL interface.
(Scenario S68, The End Of Their Rope)
For various reasons, I need to play my day-off #advancedsquadleader SK solo away from the gaming table, so I'm making myself learn the VASL interface.
(Scenario S68, The End Of Their Rope)
@zillablitz I am taking Monday off, so I have extra opportunities! I want to get another game of NATO Air Commander in. Then probably another #advancedsquadleader
scenario, either from SK4 or another of the ASL Classic scenarios.
@YurkshireLad For some others, it's #advancedsquadleader, actually. For other others, perhaps Star Fleet Battles. #hexesforever
#hexesforever #AdvancedSquadLeader
I have heard that the OBA rules in #advancedsquadleader can be pretty intimidating. Reading them last night for the first time, it’s definitely a wall of dense text, but I think I get the idea. A good flowchart should make it work well. What are the OBA rules gotchas to watch for?
I have heard that the OBA rules in #advancedsquadleader can be pretty intimidating. Reading them last night for the first time, it’s definitely a wall of dense text, but I think I get the idea. A good flowchart should make it work well. What are the OBA rules gotchas to watch for?
Why do I play #advancedsquadleader solo on the tabletop, instead of on VASSAL? Bunch of reasons. Not 100% opposed to VASSAL, and the ASL community is VERY welcoming, but...
Day job is IT, so I prefer hobbies to be analog.
Started ASL during pandemic.
Imposter syndrome.
No time pressure this way, can set up and play at my own pace.
Freedom to try dumb tactics without worrying about ruining someone's good times.