A short update on how I'm getting along with my Kinesis Advantage360 keyboard, after having used for a couple of weeks...
I'm mostly accustomed to the layout, and I'm doing around 35 to 40 WPS at 93% accuracy, which is totally acceptable. Thinking about typing makes typing harder, and most mistakes happens when I'm noticing that I don't need to look at the keys.
I'm well pleased with this keyboard. Expensive, but IMHO worth it.
#typing #Advantage360 #ergonomickeyboard
Slowly getting used to the Kinesis Advantage360 keyboard. It's very much like trying to follow the word of some song in a language I only partially understand.
I'm currently practicing using TypeLit.io, just to get used to the keys. It also means I get to read classical literature, so it's doubly good. https://www.typelit.io/
#kinesis #Advantage360 #keyboard #typing
Got new toy. #kinesis #keyboard #advantage360
#kinesis #keyboard #Advantage360
@bond sounds like it will benefit you. Look into other options though, they have a new one that is “split”: the #Advantage360
But it has some quirks that I don’t want to deal with. I like having this one-piece ergo keyb.
People who have bought the #Kinesis #Advantage360 #keyboard and are struggling with its possibilities might be interested in reading my four series blog articles about (mechanical) #keyboards and creating a custom layout: https://karl-voit.at/2021/01/30/keyboards/
#ergonomic #Tastatur #QMK #ZMK ⌨️
#Kinesis #Advantage360 #keyboard #keyboards #ergonomic #tastatur #QMK #ZMK
RT @kinesisergo@twitter.com
30 years in the making...
Introducing the #Advantage360
We are finalizing key layout, keycap specs, and features now. Complete the short survey and sign up for beta test opporutnities and let your voice be heard:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kinesisergo/status/1397335511694381058