After battle defeating a topaz dragon, our PCs are watching NPCs cut up the corpse to make magic items while we wait. What the hell, #AdventurersLeague?
The villain's motivation in this #AdventurersLeague scenario is painfully obscure. He's demanding the PCs tell him something that happened in Chult years ago, even though he had his own cult minions have been to Chult since then.
#GenCon has stopped its #Twitch livestreaming for the weekend, so once this #AdventurersLeague game ends, so does my #GenConOnline!
#GenCon #twitch #AdventurersLeague #GenConOnline
Other #DnD players now quizzing the NPC cult members about their entire cult's history. Is everyone in the #AdventurersLeague addicted to exposition?
Why do #AdventurersLeague have so much exposition about NPC life stories? #GenConOnline
#AdventurersLeague #GenConOnline
My wife and I watched one short film from the #GenConOnline Film Festival and decided... one was enough. Now we need to update our #AdventurersLeague characters for our last two #DnD games of the weekend.
#GenConOnline #AdventurersLeague #DnD
I tried printing a map of the #ForgottenRealms to help my wife visualize all the travel her #AdventurersLeague character is doing, but it turns out there are no good printable maps of the Realms. #GenConOnline
#forgottenrealms #AdventurersLeague #GenConOnline
The best part of my wife forgetting her #AdventurersLeague character attended #Spelljammer Academy is that her character hasn't been on any other adventures since SJA, so it only took her halfling 10 rest days to forget where she went to school. Typical.
#AdventurersLeague #spelljammer
Our second #AdventurersLeague game today has a surprise #Spelljammer section and my wife completely forgot her character attended Spelljammer Academy. Fortunately, I'm here to remind her (and grab the rulebook from my home office, because we're playing at #GenConOnline).
#AdventurersLeague #spelljammer #GenConOnline
One hour and 45 minutes before we encountered an enemy in this #AdventurersLeague game at #GenConOnline! #DnD convention scenarios are getting so pointless these days.
#AdventurersLeague #GenConOnline #DnD
Doing something during #GenConOnline that I have to do every year, but usually before #GenCon -- printing the latest version of the #DnD #AdventurersLeague Players Guide.
#GenConOnline #GenCon #DnD #AdventurersLeague
In typical #DnD fashion, it took 30 minutes for my #AdventurersLeague table to decide on how to open a door tonight. *sigh*
Starting the last module in the "Dreams of the Red Wizards" campaign for #AdventurersLeague tonight.
Think that'll be it for awhile... AL #DnD is a bit of a nightmare to run and, TBH, stores need to pay better wages for those of us investing the time it takes to run these.
In tonight's #AdventurersLeague #DnD session.
3 of 6 PCs down. 1 outright dead.
The bladesinger finally fells the Dracolich, describing his blade spearing up through its jaw; extinguishing the ghostly flame behind its eyesockets.
Me, the DM: Thunder echoes as its Death Ward triggers. Its eyes reignite & mouth opens. Next up in the initiative order? The Dracolich. Let's roll to see if his breath weapon recharged... *rolls a 6*
The Players:
Running my first #DnD epic for #AdventurersLeague tomorrow night. This should be interesting!
In tonight's #DnD #AdventurersLeague madness, 4 of the 6 lvl 9 characters ended the big combat with less than 10 hit points. 😬
What exactly is the D&D Adventurers League? In this article we break out everything you need to know. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #wizardsofthecoast #adventurersleague #ttrpg #ttrpgcommunity #TTRPGs
#DnD #dungeonsAndDragons #wizardsofthecoast #AdventurersLeague #ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgs
I'm looking for nice, colourful VTT maps for D&D #AdventurersLeague modules, PO-BK2-01, -02 and -03. Hit me :)
I run two D&D campaigns on Tuesday nights, rotating weekly.
One of them is a homebrew campaign story set in my own version of Cormyr / Dalelands / Sembia etc. The other is a playthrough of the Avernus season of
The homebrew one has been dubbed as "Save the butler, save the world." for various reasons. They're currently level 13 after four (disrupted) years of play and still all invested in the story which is great.
Gonna be running the #AdventurersLeague #Dungeoncraft adventure Flight of the Wumbo Bee at my LGS tonight.
I mean, with a name like that, how can I not? Looks to be a pulpy combat-heavy adventure.
#AdventurersLeague #DungeonCraft