@Lintillaz · @Lintillaz
204 followers · 241 posts · Server dice.camp
Sawyer Paine · @painedemonium
3 followers · 18 posts · Server dice.camp

I'm going to be running a play-by-post Adventures in Middle-Earth 5e campaign over on StartPlaying.Games. You can find my link below.


#lordoftherings #AdventuresInMiddleEarth #ttrpg #textbasedrpg #playbypost #gamemaster #dungeonmaster

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
189 followers · 1063 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

@abfuning aber (!) den Grundregelkern find ich echt robust und klasse. 5e ist auch durch die Ergänzungsbände irgendwann Barock überladen worden (Tasha‘s …don‘t get me startet). Gibt 5e hacks, die aus meiner Sicht vieles besser machen: (Survival), und ( aufs wesentlichen Regelkern reduziert),

#AdventuresInMiddleEarth #FiveTorchesDeep #deathbringer #5e

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Bejtlich · @scifittrpg
34 followers · 66 posts · Server dice.camp

Who else thinks is a brand unto itself? I wonder if was surprised by the popularity of 5e, and I don't mean strictly related to . I mean games like , Doctors and Daleks (), , , etc.? Is the new designed to kill the 5e brand?

#5e #wotc #DnD #lotr #doctorwho #espergenesis #AdventuresInMiddleEarth #ogl #rpg #ttrpg #opendnd

Last updated 2 years ago

Can't Spell HEART without ART · @jkonline
50 followers · 464 posts · Server troet.cafe

Because I apparently don't like freetime, I decided to throw a curveball into the adventure:
Last session they planed & prepared their prison break-in, this time they'll pull it off.

Buuuut 'cause that's not complicated enough for me & it's almost christmas, there's gonna be a another faction taking control of the prison, trying to steal the cursed gold in the dungeons.

So yes, my group is doing a break in - straight into a Die Hard.🙈

#AdventuresInMiddleEarth #penandpaper #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Can't Spell HEART without ART · @jkonline
50 followers · 494 posts · Server troet.cafe

Because I apparently don't like freetime, I decided to throw a curveball into the adventure:
Last session they planed & prepared their prison break-in, this time they'll pull it off.

Buuuut 'cause that's not complicated enough for me & it's almost christmas, there's gonna be a another faction taking control of the prison, trying to steal the cursed gold in the dungeons.

So yes, my group is doing a break in - straight into a Die Hard.🙈

#AdventuresInMiddleEarth #penandpaper #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

I don’t play &D anymore. 3rd edition killed it for me. But because AD&D 2nd edition was my first and we played it for a long time, I still have a lot of nostelgic fondnes for It so when something new comes along like a new edition or or I get interested, but not enough to return. Whatever I run, still the DM in my head. If I need to run d20 fantasy would be my go to. It is easy to run. Not played it but the players I had really liked it.

#d #ttrpg #doctorwho #AdventuresInMiddleEarth #13thage

Last updated 2 years ago

Can't Spell HEART without ART · @jkonline
14 followers · 48 posts · Server troet.cafe

Das erste mal seit bestimmt einem 3/4-Jahr wieder gespielt. 😊
Liebe & das Leiten hat mir echt gefehlt.
Hoffentlich bald wieder.😁

#AdventuresInMiddleEarth #pnp

Last updated 2 years ago