Can anyone recommend a good graphics tablet with a screen? 🤔 I am quite lost at how many different ones there are. I'd like one that doesn't have to be connected to another device all the time and has a paper like feel when you draw. At least not as smooth as a regular tablet, that's no fun for me 🥺
#AdviceNeeded #LookingForHelp #digitalart
@writingcommunity How do you deal with the excruciatingly long wait between finishing a manuscript and seeing it in print?
My debut novella #DRECK has been waiting with the publisher so long that #dreampunk legend Jeff Noon read it and wrote a nice little review a full year and a half ago (#bragging, #nameDropping). Edits and illustrations are complete, just waiting in line behind one other book now. 🥲
#writingCommunity #indieAuthor #indieAuthors #writersLife #indieWriter #indieWriters #JeffNoon #indieAuthorProblems #writerProblems #indiePublishing #indiePress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #scienceFiction #specFic #speculativeFiction #scienceFantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdFiction #book #books #novella #novellas @bookstodon #bookstodon #adviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantPulp #sleepstream #trippyCyberpunk #debut #bookDebut #newAuthor #newAuthors #upcomingBooks #bookNews
#dreck #dreampunk #bragging #namedropping #writingcommunity #indieauthor #indieauthors #writerslife #indiewriter #indiewriters #JeffNoon #indieauthorproblems #writerproblems #indiepublishing #indiepress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #sciencefiction #specfic #speculativefiction #sciencefantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdfiction #book #books #novella #novellas #bookstodon #AdviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantpulp #sleepstream #trippycyberpunk #debut #bookdebut #newauthor #newauthors #upcomingbooks #booknews
I've really been enjoying my boobs. I want to play with them more. But I'd also like to have my hands relatively free so I can play with my lower extremities and imagine my tits are being groped by a partner.
Are there any sex toys focused more on breast stimulation, especially for trans women? I don't even know how to begin searching on my own.
If anyone out there has any advice whatsoever for how to stave off waves of impostor syndrome I could really, really use it right about now.
#gradschool #sciences #AdviceNeeded
Anyone know of a free, not time limited app for videoconference with a group of friends? On mobile? Zoom and Meet have time limits if you don't pay for it...
Mi 'a I capten y merched yn clwb golff Porth llechog ar ol' mis ebrill cyntaf. Dw I isio dweud popeth yng ngymraeg a saesneg. Cwestiwn ydy, pa iaith I dweud yn gyntaf? I will be the lady captain at bull bay golf club from April 1st. I want to say everything Welsh and English. The question is which language to say first? #DysgyCymru #golff #adviceneeded
#AdviceNeeded #golff #dysgycymru
i have two items of clothing that always smell musty even after being washed. is there any way to save them or should I just throw them in the trash? #adviceNeeded
Alright, looking for #advice
My mother will be moving in soon. She needs some extra help and to live in a house without stairs.
I'm looking into getting her a nice movable bedframe, to help her stand up and such in the mornings.
Do yall have any recommendations on moving bedframes? or adjustable beds? or anything else I need to think of before mom moves in?
Thanks! #AdviceNeeded #elderlyparents #disability
#disability #elderlyparents #AdviceNeeded #advice
Looking for a little advice from photographers who sell prints. I've been contacted by someone about purchasing a print of one of my photographs, I am in the early stages of setting up a site to sell but would appreciate any advice on pricing for a private client...
#AdviceNeeded #sellingart #photography
Since I'm leaving Instagram and I'm still a #Fediverse newbie, should I create an account on a Pixelfed server if I'm looking for an alternative image sharing platform? Or can I connect with Pixelfed via Mastodon without needing to create a new account? #StupidQuestions #AdviceNeeded #Pixelfed
#fediverse #stupidquestions #AdviceNeeded #pixelfed
Does anyone here have experience in using Crowdfunding platforms to raise funds for a charity or non-profit?
I'd like to pick your brains please.
#crowdfunder #crowdfunding #charity #nonprofit #AdviceNeeded #boostswelcome #pleaseboost
#crowdfunder #crowdfunding #charity #nonprofit #AdviceNeeded #boostswelcome #pleaseboost
I've got a 3-in-1 Lands End coat, but if I wear the parka while I'm walking my dog, my arms get sweaty and the inside of the parka gets damp. Ew.
Any recommendations for a winterweight jacket that I can swap in and out? I have a couple vests, but I don't get warm enough on dog walks to use them. #WalkinTheDog #AdviceNeeded #WalkingGear
#walkinthedog #AdviceNeeded #walkinggear
Forgot to hashtag this. Do hashtags work on posts with CWs? #RatMites #fleabusters #mites #extermination #advice #AdviceNeeded
#ratmites #fleabusters #Mites #extermination #advice #AdviceNeeded
I have a question re #retweets. I’ve been avoiding clicking links to the #birdsite so as not to give it traffic. But it occurred to me that they may be recording when someone accesses a #tweet via #mastodon. Is this possible?
If so, would it be further reminder to Elon that Mastodon is taking his audience?
#retweets #birdsite #tweet #mastodon #AdviceNeeded #technical
Ever since I discovered #matcha lattes, I’ve completely stopped drinking coffee. But I need to learn more about how to properly make it: I still get more clumps and settling than I like at times, even when I use a sifter and an electric whisk. Any advice? #AdviceNeeded #greentea #tea
#matcha #AdviceNeeded #GreenTea #tea
So, a while ago I deleted nearly all of my tweets, which should have also taken care of my RTs. Since recently RTs re-emerged that I am having to un-RT. Now, I worry I will never be able to delete my account out of fear of someone impersonating me (I know, I'm a nobody but still...), And now this?
Is anyone else experiencing this? And what can I do about this?
#Help #AdviceNeeded #twitter (hate that hashtag! Sorry) 😔
Everything hurts ðŸ˜
#Illness #AdviceNeeded #Cold #Influenza #Flu
#illness #AdviceNeeded #cold #influenza #flu
I guess I will ask for a bit of help here.
So, broken screen, but phone is working just fine, I can even access files by connecting to a computer. It's an old one with other problems, so I guess it’s done for.
Before switching, I would like to do a full backup with adb (on Linux Debian) as I have done in the past, sadly not that recently though so a new one would be nice, especially considering I might even have deleted the old one cleaning up my home computer(?).
Because of no screen though; I can’t enter debug mode and am stuck there.
What workaround could I use to enable debug, or do a full backup without it (yeah, not that many hope one that last one)?
I have seen that there are some software that can be used as display, but those I have seen so far seem absolutely not trivial to use, and while I could follow a decent how-to, I really really don't have time nor the mental energy for heavy tinkering and jumping around various tools’ manual atm.
I would gladly hear of suggestions. 🙂​
#Android #Linux #Debian #Smartphone #Fairphone2 #NeedHelp #AdviceNeeded
#AdviceNeeded #needhelp #fairphone2 #smartphone #debian #linux #android
Please help with my question about #Accessibility. I would like to share a page of writing, ie a poem or an extract from a book but how do write #AltText for this? #AdviceNeeded
#AdviceNeeded #alttext #accessibility
As a #zeroHours employee, do I also qualify for #ZeroRights?
I'm afraid it's the future for employment in Britain.
With #UKLabour turning their backs on #UKUnions, you/we are powerless.
#AdviceNeeded #zerohours #zerorights #uklabour #ukunions